--Season 2-- Chapter 9: The Beginning of The End (Part 2)

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ERROR laughs as he continues to torture everyone around him. His laughter is quickly stops however, as a large blast of blue fire slams into ERROR's front, while a combination of both ice and fire slams into him from behind.

"What the heE-e-ll?!" ERROR screams as more cables begin to pour out of his eyes. He screams in agony as he slams his cables into his enemies. Dabi and Shouto cough out blood as they get sent flying into the air. Before they can even process their pain, they get hit again, and again, and again. ERROR doesn't let up, he hits them up and down, left and right. He screams at the top of his lungs as more cables escape his eyes and wrap around Dabi, as well as Shouto.

"Comic!!!" ERROR turns his head towards the voice and sees Izuku slowly stand up. His arm is broken, and it looks like he sprained his leg as well. Izuku's blood covers his own body, all over him is nothing but red. "Let them go, this fight is between you, and me."

"No thanks." ERROR says as he slams Dabi and Shouto into the ground. Muffled screams can be heard from within the mass amount of cables holding Shouto and Dabi captive.

Izuku jumps at ERROR and punches him in the gut, knocking the breath out of him. ERROR clutches at his stomach and coughs. "How... H-hh-How dare... you!?" Even more cables come out of ERROR's eyes, which are now starting to bleed. They wrap around Izuku and begin to squeeze.

"Sans, stop it!" ERROR looks to the side and sees Kyouka, as well as Frisk. The two of them are crying, and begin running towards ERROR. They don't attack him, and instead they hug him tightly. "Please... Please stop this."

Back in Sans' mind, Sans' eyes widen from shock. "No, not them. Anyone but them. Please don't hurt them!"

Tears begin to stream out of Sans' eyes, and he looks on in horror as ERROR says "Get out of my sight." More cables come out of ERROR's eyes, but this time they aren't used as a blunt weapon or a way to constrain an enemy. No, this time they're used to impale both Frisk, and Kyouka. The two of them stop hugging ERROR and fall to their knees. Looking down, they can see straight through their bodies. A large hole has gone straight through them.

"Back to b-Bbusiness." ERROR sighs as he turns his attention back to Izuku. However, there's one person he forgot about. Eijiro punches ERROR in the face, making him stumble back from the impact. ERROR goes to attack Eijiro, but then grips his head and let's out a piercing scream of agony.

"I SAID NOT THEM!!!!" Sans screams at ERROR from within their mind. "I'LL KILL YOU!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!" Sans uses telekinesis on Skelly and Dust, pushing them off of him. He then looks towards ERROR and fires off multiple Gaster Blasters.

In reality, ERROR stumbles back and continues to scream. Eijiro takes his chance and begins pummeling ERROR. Any time ERROR would try to fight back, he'd be hit by Sans from within their mind, interrupting his focus, allowing Eijiro to hit him again.

"This is for Todoroki!" Eijiro yells out as he punches ERROR in the face. "And Iida!" He screams as he headbutts ERROR, knocking him back even more. "And Midoriya, as well as Comic!" He says as he grabs ERROR by the hair and slams the villain's head onto his knee.

"This is for Dabi!" Sans screams as he stabs ERROR with several sharp bones. "And Frisk!" He yells out as he throws ERROR into the air with telekinesis. "And Katsuki, as well as Eijiro!" Sans says as he surrounds ERROR with hundreds, maybe even thousands of Gaster Blasters.

"THIS IS FOR KYOUKA/JIROU!!!!" Both Sans and Eijiro scream in unison as Eijiro puts all of his remaining power into one fist, and Sans' Gaster Blasters begin to charge up more energy than they ever had before. Eijiro's fist hits ERROR in the face, and Sans' Gaster Blasters make a direct hit with ERROR's body. A huge explosion is released, sending Eijiro flying to the ground. The Cables disappear, and Izuku looks up in disbelief. From within the smoke, Sans is back. He walks out of the smoke and goes towards Frisk and Kyouka.

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