--Season 2 (Finale)-- Chapter 20: No Hero?

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Izuku and All Might have an... Interesting relationship. All Might cares for Izuku more than anyone else, but now he doesn't know what to think of the green haired teen. Izuku on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to prove himself to All Might. This want is what has finally broken their relationship.

"All Might?" Izuku asks from his bed. "Can I still be a hero?" All Might frowns. He takes a deep breath, and shakes his head.

"No..." All Might says with a sigh. "No, you can't... Realistically, you won't stand a chance." All Might looks at Izuku, and gulps when he sees tears fall down from Izuku's eyes.

Izuku says "I thought you said I could..." He looks at All Might and asks "Why?"

All Might gulps and says "Midoriya... After your actions, One For All rejected you. Do you know if hat that means?"

Izuku slowly shakes his head. "Please don't say it. Please." He begins to cry even more. He knows what All Might is going to say, but he can't bare to hear it.

Meanwhile, Sans is hobbling to class. He's gotten the hang of using crutches, but he honestly can't wait to be able to walk on his own. He's actually going to start physical therapy in about a week. Hopefully that will help him out. He still can't believe that his own power is what hurt him so badly.

"Hey, Comic!" Some random student calls out to Sans. "Can you come with me?" The student has black hair and brown eyes. His expression is definitely not friendly.

Sans says "Sorry, but I really need to get to class." He tries to leave, but the guy grabs Sans by the shirt and drags him off to the side.

"Look here." The guy says. "If I'm being honest, you don't belong here." He grabs Sans by the hair and lifts him up. "You're no hero."

Sans gulps. He needs to stand his ground, but will he? The guy punches Sans in the face. "You need to get out of here now! You make everyone else here look awful!" He keeps punching as hard as he can. Sans just takes it. Soon, other students show up. They're most likely friends of this bully.

They join in. Sans closes his eyes as he gets pummeled by all of them. Even though he wants to get better, Sans still believes every word that these people are saying.

Eventually, they leave him beaten and bloody. They start walking away, but Sans hears them say something. "You know, we should really teach his buddies a lesson too. If they're willing to defend someone like him then they deserve a beating." When Sans hears this, he grabs his crutches and slowly gets up.

"Oh, you want some more?" The lead bully asks. Suddenly, his body glows blue and slams into the wall. He grits his teeth and pulls out the remote. "You bitch!" He presses the button, and electricity begins to flow from the shock collar and through Sans' body. "Not so tough now, are you!?"

Sans coughs and says "You can hurt me all you want..." He drops his crutches and falls to his knees. "But the moment you even think about hurting my friends..." Sans smiles wickedly and says "You'll have to answer to me!" The shock collar shatters and Sans glares at the bullies, who quickly run in fear.

"Damn..." Sans says as he grips his head. "What happened?" He winces in pain. "What's with this headache?" He grabs his crutches and goes to class. He gets there late, and when he arrives the blood had already dried on his body.

Eijiro is the first to go to him. "Sans!? Are you okay!?" He runs up to Sans and says "We need to get you to Recovery Girl, here." Eijiro crouches down, and let's Sans onto his back. "Don't worry, I'll get you there quickly." Eijiro looks at Aizawa Sensei and asks "Is that alright?" Aizawa gives him a nod and Eijiro leaves the room.

"What's happening?" Kyouka asks with wide eyes. "Is... Is he going to be okay?" Other students are also distressed, but Aizawa just sighs.

"He'll be fine. Though, I do wonder how he got into that condition. Also, where did his shock collar go?" He shakes his head. "Nevermind. That doesn't matter right now."

As Eijiro and Sans make it to Recovery Girl's office, they hear All Might say "Young Midoriya... You can't be a hero." Eijiro stops in his tracks.

"What do you mean I can't be a hero?" Izuku cries. "You said it yourself that I had what it takes!" His tears just keep coming, and his expression shows nothing but pure disbelief.

All Might sighs. "You're right. You did have what it takes... However, that is no longer the case. You aren't... You aren't hero material..."

Izuku then screams "Then what am I material for!? A villain!?" All Might doesn't say anything, but his expression says it all... "Oh my god..."

"Let's continue this conversation another day..." All Might says. He gets up and walks out the door. He sees Eijiro, as well as Sans. "Recovery Girl is on break. Take him to the back and lay him down. I'll tell her you're here."

Eijiro nods and says "Thanks." He begins walking to the back. On his way there, All Might says one more thing.

"I hope you get better, young Comic..." He walks away, and Sans is laid in bed. Not too long later, Recovery Girl comes and gives him some healing.

Sans is once again stuck in bed. He hates it, but it's better than nothing. Eijiro and Kyouka stay by his side the entire time, only ever leaving when they have to go to class. Sans is glad that he has friends that care for him.

Izuku on the other hand... Well, the same night that All Might talked to him, he left. It's been weeks, and he hasn't been seen since... People have been notified of his disappearance, but there isn't any leads on his whereabouts...


Alright, there it is. The final chapter of Season 2. This chapter wraps up some things in this season, but also sets things up for next season. Thank you guys so much for reading up to here. It means a lot to me. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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