Sans Bio

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The video above is the intro for the series.

Name: Sans Comic (Commonly known as Comic Sans)


Personality: Sans often keeps to himself, but doesn't mind talking to others

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Personality: Sans often keeps to himself, but doesn't mind talking to others. He is kind and caring but angers easily sometimes.


Aura: Sans can regulate his power output with his aura. The more intense his aura is, the more power he's using. It's constantly active, but barely noticeable most of the time.

[Author's Note: Aura wasn't originally in the story, but I recently added it in because I realized that I gave Sans an aura several times in the story and this is an easier solution than going through and editing every chapter.]

Bone Manipulation: Sans can control bones as well as summon them, he can also summon and control these things he likes to call "Gaster Blasters". Gaster Blasters release a type of magical energy.

Telekinesis: Sans can move things with his mind, often through hand movements.

Pause: Sans can freeze time by holding his breath, he can't use any of his other quirks while doing this.

A.U.: Sans can turn into other versions of himself with different personalities and powers, each one has their own unique quirk and they all have Bone Manipulation and Telekinesis. Base Sans' unique quirk is Pause.

Age: 15

Hates: League of Villains and bullies

Likes: U.A., Puns, ketchup, and Frisk

--Best Friend--

Name: Frisk Dreemur (Known as Dreemur Frisk)


Quirk: DeterminationThe more determined Frisk is, the more powerful she becomes, this quirk also manifests into it's own person that is linked to Frisk

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Quirk: Determination
The more determined Frisk is, the more powerful she becomes, this quirk also manifests into it's own person that is linked to Frisk.

Age: 14


Sorry to everyone that started reading my original story that is still unfinished. I lost my account and had to restart. If anyone wants to see my original than it should be on the account Lbartl01. Thank you for reading this story I really appreciate it. Oh! If anyone was wondering why I didn't put more info on Frisk, or why I decide to change her from a live interest to a best friend, it's because I intend to slowly add more and more info about her into the story, and I decided for a different character to be Sans' love interest. Once again I really appreciate anyone that reads this story, thank you all very much. See ya folks.

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