Chapter 6: Dust

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"Uh, All Might? What's going on down there?" Ochako asks as everyone sees Sans' transformation, as well as Papyrus showing up.

"Im... I'm not sure..."

Sans opens his eyes, and is met with himself. He lifts his hand, and so does the other him. He looks around and sees nothing else but darkness. He goes to touch the other him, but he's grabbed by the wrist and thrown.

"What the hell!?" Sans looks up and notices a Gaster Blaster aimed straight at him. He rolls to the side as it releases a purple beam.

"Who are you!? What are you!?" Sans screams as he dodges a barrage of bones sent towards him. His eyes widen as he realizes who he's looking at.

"You're me... From my dreams... What happened to me?" He makes a bone shield and blocks another Gaster Blaster.

"Kill... Revenge... Power..." The other sans starts to attack faster and faster, making Sans sweat as he continues to dodge the attacks.

"I can't keep this up, he'll kill me at this rate!" Sans lifts his hands and sends bones towards the other him. However, before they could hit they are stopped by a red blur. Sans is blinded by a light coming from the blur.

"Dust..." Two voices say in unison. Sans opens his eyes and sees the other him but also his brother, Papyrus.

"We are Dust..." The both of them lift their hands and bones are sent flying towards Sans.

In reality, Shouto is trying to freeze "Sans" in place, but Papyrus just blocks it all.

"We are Dust..." Shouto is about to respond, but both of his arms and legs are stabbed by bones, and he gets pinned into a wall by them. Shouto screams in pain as he gets hit by a large Gaster Blaster.

"We have to stop them! All Might!"

"LEAVE IT TO ME!!!" All Might runs out of the room and makes his way toward the building. Inside he can hear Shouto scream out in pain.

"Kill... Kill! VENGEANCE!!!" Dust continues his assault on Shouto, who now has burn marks all over him and many bones impaled into his flesh.

Back in Sans' mind, he dodges an other attack but stumbles and trips. He looks up and realizes that Dust is... Crying?

"I don't know what you've gone through... But I can help you!" Sans gets engulfed in a purple Gaster Blaster.

"I don't need help... I need strength... I need revenge... I need tears..." Dust stops his assault and Papyrus disappears.

"... We can work together, I'll save people, and we'll both get stronger... It's a win win situation." Sans reasons with Dust and smiles. "Wouldn't that be great?"

Dust nods and Sans is blinded by a bright light. When the white haired teen opens his eyes he is back in the real world, he looks around and yelps. He looks in horror at what he has done.

"What have I done... I was so focused on getting more powerful that I lost myself... This isn't the way to go, and I'll never get my revenge at this rate..." Dust seems to still be in control, and he now realizes his wrong doings.

"NEVER FEAR YOUNG TODOROKI, FOR I AM HERE--" All Might turns the corner and sees Dust mending Todoroki's bones with his quirk. "WHAT'S GOING ON?"

"Oh, you must be All Might... The other me seems to look up to you... I'm not sure why but I have a feeling he's right to do so... I'm sorry for what I've done, but don't take it out on him... He doesn't deserve it..." Dust says as he stands up.

Suddenly his expression becomes one of pain and he screams at the top of his lungs. Ghosts appear and begin to flow around the area. "I'm losing control... No!"

All Might chops Dust's neck, knocking him unconscious. He picks the white haired teen as well as Shouto, and leaves the building. As he does so he announces the Hero Team's victory!

Later that day, Sans is laying in the nursery. He sound asleep on the outside, but on the inside he is wide awake as he has a conversation with Dust.

"So, you're a part of me now? Interesting. I'll do my best to get used to this, just please don't take over without warning please." Sans begs Dust as they take turns tossing a bone back and forth.

"No promises, but I'll try." Dust grins as he catches the bone with his hand. "I'm just glad to have someone other than ghosts to talk to now!"

Meanwhile in a bar somewhere in the city, a purple mist like figure is seen conversing with a young teen with blue hair and hands all over his body. Next to him is a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, she has a chain around her neck and is also in shackles.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you said earlier today you just got a new toy, is this the toy?" The misty being asks as he cleans the counter.

"Yeah..." The blue haired teen, Tomura, scratches his neck. "She's already been put through some test, and the doctor says that she should be powerful enough to handle the failed test subject as he is now."

"I see..." The mist moves around the bar and cleans the tables. "What quirks does she have?"

"Well she's just a taste of what the doctor is brewing. The best is yet to come. Her abilities however include super strength and speed, as well as great endurance. She also has the ability to come back from the dead..."

"Interesting, and what is her name?" The mist finishes cleaning and stands begins the bar, facing Tomura.

"Frisk is her name, though she seemw to be more than just one person. I've seen her in action, and I plan on taking her with us when we eventually make out move." Tomura grins as he scratches his neck more agressively than before.

The girl looks up, and her brown, dead eyes change into a blood red color. She smiles and stabs a red knife into a nearby table.


Sorry for the late update, I had some writers block. If you're one of the few people that read my other stories, than that's why they haven't updated lately either. Anyway this chapter was really fun to write, and Dust is probably my favorite character so far. As always criticism is welcomed. See ya folks.

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