--Season 2-- Chapter 8: The Beginning of The End (Part 1)

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"Let's go." Izuku puts on some better clothes, and together with Shouto he leaves his cabin. Immediately his eyes widen as he sees just what he has been missing. Blue flames have engulfed nearly the entire forest, and from within the forest Izuku can hear screams of anguish and pain. "Jesus fucking Christ." Izuku says in anger. "I'll kill them for this."

"Comic is this way." Shouto points to the middle of camp. "He just fought against Aizawa Sensei, and he won."

"He won?" Izuku says surprised. "Couldn't Aizawa Sensei have just erased his quirks and then call it a day?" He shakes his head. "Aizawa Sensei was probably trying to avoid making the situation escalate. Idiot."

"Well let's go look for them—" Shouto begins to say. Before he gets cut off by a familiar voice.

"No need. They'll find you." Sans says menacingly as he walks out of a cloud of smoke. "It's been awhile. Hasn't it... Midoriya?" Sans lifts up an unconscious Aizawa and throws him to the ground. "Here's your teacher."

Izuku glares at Sans. "You're here. At last..." Green energy begins to conduct around Izuku's body. "Now, once and for all!" Izuku jumps at Sans and goes to punch him. However, in an instant Sans is behind Izuku, almost as if he teleported.

"You know... I could end this quickly, but I think toying with you sounds so much more fun!" Sans lifts Izuku into the air with telekinesis, before slamming him back into the ground. "Does it hurt?" Sans laughs as he sees Izuku cough up blood. "It's more powerful than usual, now that Skelly and Dust are feeding my power with their own energy!"

Sans laughs maniacally as he throws Izuku around. Slamming him into trees, and pushing him into the ground. Izuku screams in pain the entire time, and Shouto looks on in horror, too scared to even move.

Suddenly, Dabi flies out of the forest, slamming into Sans. Because of this Izuku is released from Sans' telekinesis. Following after Dabi, Eijiro jumps out of the forest. "Comic!!!" Eijiro screams. "I'm getting sick and tired of your bullshit!!!"

Sans pushes Dabi off of him and grins. "Yeah, I know. The readers probably are too, but they also wanna see the end to this fight, so let's dance!" Sans summons three Gaster Blasters and fires them on Eijiro's direction. He then uses telekinesis and stops Izuku as the green haired teen is about to land a punch. "Dabi, why don't you deal with Shouto?"

"Gladly..." Dabi slowly stands up and points at Shouto. "I hate you... So much!" He smiles. "I want to kill you right now!"

"Look, I think you got the wrong guy." Shouto says. "I don't even know you." He then lifts his hand. "But if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get."

K Dabi and Shouto send large blasts of fire at each other. Blue mixes with red and orange, and a huge explosion shakes the ground. Both Dabi and Shouto wince as flames burn away at their skin.

Meanwhile, Sans continues to laugh as he fights Eijiro and Izuku. He dodges another one of Izuku's punches, and he sends a barrage of bones in Eijiro's direction.

"Comic, I know you're still in there!" Eijiro screams as he runs towards Sans. "And if you won't quit this bullshit on your own, then I'll have to beat some sense into you!"

Sans looks over at Eijiro and his eyes widen. He gets punched straight in the face and sent flying. Sans tries to retaliate, but he's suddenly grabbed by Izuku. "Hey Comic..." Izuku grins. "Did you miss me!?"

Izuku slams Sans onto his knee. Sans coughs up blood, and a sickening crack can be heard from his back. Sans tries to mend his bones with his quirk, but his quirk doesn't activate. Looking to the side, Sans can see Aizawa staring at him with bright red eyes. Even though he can't stand, Aizawa's raw determination keeps him from giving up.

"Damn..." Sans coughs. "I guess you guys got me..." He looks up into the air. "I suppose I should have seen this coming, huh?" He chuckles. "This sucks."

"L-let go of him!" Frisk shrieks as she jumps out of the forest. She runs up to Izuku and tries to stab him, but Izuku just kicks her into Eijiro.

"Sorry Kirishima, but I can't keep the promise I made to you..." Izuku says as he drops Sans to the ground. "He deserves to die."

Eijiro tries to run up to Izuku and stop him, but he's sent flying by a single flick from Izuku. "Midoriya, no... Don't do it!"

He killed Kacchan, so it's only fair if he meets the same fate!" Izuku lifts his leg and attempts to stomp on Sans' head. However, Izuku didn't notice the slight glitching coming from Sans' body, and now it's too late. Sans screams and transforms.  His hair turns black and his eyes become angry. ERROR has returned.

"G-get away from me..." ERROR says as he continues to glitch. He looks Izuku directly in the eye as his cables protect him from Izuku's foot, holding it in place above ERROR's head.

Izuku looks at ERROR in confusion. "Pardon?" As he says this, the cables begin to wrap tighter around Izuku's foot.

"I said get away fro-o-oOm me!!!" More cables begin to come out from ERROR's eyes and wrap around Izuku even more. Izuku is fully restrained, and then he's yeeted into the air. After Izuku lands, he stops moving. ERROR then puts his attention towards Eijiro.

Back with Dabi and Shouto, the fight isn't looking good for either, but Dabi is clearly winning. Shouto's ice is useless, as it just melts away, and his fire isn't as powerful as Dabi's is. Shouto falls in defeat, but Dabi is unable to celebrate as he is then knocked unconscious by Eijiro, who was just thrown into him by ERROR.

Meanwhile, from within Sans' mind. The evil Sans fights against the furious ERROR.  Sans is covered in cuts and scrapes and Error is unharmed. Looking around him, Sans can see Dust and Skelly helping ERROR in the fight.

"It's all your fault Sans!" Dust screams. "You decided to conquer and control us, huh? Well now it's our turn!" He lifts his hand and sends bones towards Sans, Skelly.amd ERROR do the same as well.

Sans grits his teeth and creates a shield of bones to protect himself. After he stops feeling the barrage of attacks he puts the shield down, only to see all three of his opponents aiming their Gaster Blasters at him. "Shit." Sans sighs as he takes a direct hit from the energy.

ERROR grabs Sans with his cables and lifts him in the air. "You tried to do the same to me as well. Watch on as the superior versio-Oon of you does your own job for you. We-eAkling."

Sans stops struggling as he begins to see what ERROR is seeing in reality. He sees ERROR throw Izuku in the air. He sees ERROR throw Eijiro into Dabi. These things mean nothing to him, but the last thing he sees is the worst of all...


Alright, there we go. All done! ERROR has taken over for the second time now. What does this mean for Sans? And how is this arc going to end? These question will both be answer very soon. Anyways, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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