--Season 2-- Chapter 4: ERROR

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Sans opens his eyes, he's back in the space where the other Sanses hang out, but something's off. He tries to take a step forward, but can't. He then notices cords tightly wrapped around his body. Sans looks over and sees Dust and Skelly. Both of them are trying to escape the cords as well, but can't manage to.

"What the hell!? Guys, what's going on!?" Sans calls out to the other Sanses, but they can't hear him. He's alone, just like before... "No... Not like this..."

Meanwhile, the new Sans has just given Tenya a possibly lethal blow. Tenya's glasses are cracked, just like his rib cage and arm. He can't move, and the hole in his stomach is making him lose a lot of blood.

"Iida!" Eijiro screams out the name of his friend. He grits his teeth and jumps at whoever has taken control of Sans. "How dare you do that to Iida, you bastard!" Eijiro goes to punch them, but his fist doesn't make contact. The person's body glitches, and teleports out of the way.

"You wanted this." The person says. "You wanted m-mM-me to be the villain." Cords then start coming out of his eyes. He smiles and says "My name is ERROR, nice to meet you."

The cords fall down to ERROR's hands, and stick to his finger tips. His smile disappears and he screams "Now just do me a favor and leave me alone!" He puts his hands out, and the cords extend and zoom towards Eijiro at blinding speeds. Luckily, Eijiro jumps out of the way, just in time. The cords hit the ground, and cut through it like paper.

"Oh. That's bad..." Eijiro looks up and sees a black Gaster Blaster. It fires off a red beam of energy, which makes direct contact with Eijiro. Luckily for him, his quirk allows him to survive the attack, however he is down for the count. He falls to the ground, unable to move.

"What's wron-n-Nng?" ERROR grunts. "You wanted this right?" He goes towards Eijiro, who is desperately trying to move, but can't. "Ti-i-iIme to die."

ERROR summons another Gaster Blaster and it fires, but just before it makes contact, a wall of ice blocks it. Todoroki has entered the fight. He breaths, and steam comes from his mouth.

"So you're Comic? What the hell happened to you? You look nothing like the Comic I remember." He lifts his hand and sighs "Oh well. It doesn't matter to me." A wave of ice goes towards ERROR.

"G-get away from me." ERROR cracks his neck and responds to the wave of ice with a barrage of his cords. The two attacks make contact, and the impact pushes Eijiro and Iida away. The area around them is destroyed even more, and ERROR's screams can be heard from miles away. "LEAVE ME ALO-O-o-Ooo-ONE!!!"

Shouto gets slashed by one of the cords, and blood gushes from his now injured arm. He looks back up and sees three Gaster Blasters aiming directly towards him. Shouto is engulfed in the blast. When the dust clears, Shouto is still standing. He thought quickly, and built up a wall of ice at the last second.

"Todoroki, stop! Comic is still in there!" Kyouka desperately tries to escape her bone prison, but is unable to. "He isn't such a bad guy!"

Shouto scoffs, responding with "Sure. You're just saying that so he doesn't hurt you too. Don't worry, I'll save you." He turns his attention back to ERROR, and releases another wave of ice. The ice is stopped by a wall of bones. Shouto grits his teeth. He knows that he's losing this fight so far. He needs to come up with a new plan.

"Todoroki! I think Kyouka might be telling the truth!" Eijiro yells out to Shouto. "When I fought him earlier, it didn't seem like he wanted to kill me. I think he--"

"Shut up!" Shouto snaps. "He's the villain, and I will take him down!" He lifts his other hand and sends out a wave of fire. "I don't even care about using my fire, screw it!"

A barrage of fire and ice hits ERROR, sending him flying away. He turns back into regular Sans, falling unconscious.

"Now it's time to end this." Shouto limps towards Sans and creates a sharp icicle. Just as he's about to stab Sans, the icicle melts, and Shouto is hit by a blast of blue fire.

A mysterious black haired male with stitches all around his body runs over, and grabs the unconscious Sans, throwing him to the side. He smiles as a portal appears right where Sans is, transporting him away.

Enraged, Shouto attempts to use his fire on the mysterious person. However his fire is met with an even more intense, blue flame, and is overpowered. "Sorry, but you aren't strong enough to face me Shouto." The male taunts.

The mysterious male takes a step back, and goes through another portal. "See ya." Shouto tries running after him, but barely doesn't make it in time.

"Where is he?" Izuku says as he shows up right behind Shouto. "Sorry I'm late, I just got your text."

Shouto turns towards Izuku and responds with "He got away..." He falls to his knees and slams his fists into the ground. "Damnit!"

Meanwhile, at another location within the city. There's a hidden lab that belongs the the League of Villains. There are test tubes and machines everywhere, and in the center of the lab, Chara is being held inside of a mechanical chamber.

"When is he gonna get here!? I wanna play with Sansy!" Chara laughs from within the mechanical chamber. Electricity goes throughout the chamber and Chara's laughs and scream can be heard throughout the lab.

"You'll see him when he gets here." Shigaraki Tomura says as he scratches his neck. He turns to Kurogiri and tells him "Keep an eye on those two if they finally split. I don't want any issues like we've had in the past."

Kurogiri responds with "Of course sir." And Tomura takes a stairwell up, leading to a door, he opens the door and walks into a bar. Looking around, Tomura growls at the sight of burn marks around a chair meant to contain someone. He sighs and sits down, proceeding to call someone on his phone. The contact says Dabi, and it's picked up instantly.

"I just got him. Open the door, we're almost there." The voice of the same mysterious male is heard from the other side of the call. Tomura opens the door and a couple minutes later, a truck drives by. The male that goes by the name Dabi gets out of the truck. He's carrying Sans over his shoulder.

"He's finally back." Tomura smiles maniacally. "My favorite toy!"


He got away! (Kinda?) Sans is no longer in danger of being killed! (Hopefully) Dabi has shown up, and something is happening with Chara. I finally finished babysitting, and now the chapter is done! I've only gotten 5 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours! Yay! Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. (I do kinda feel like this chapter may have been a bit rushed, so I might go back and make some changes) See ya folks!

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