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I was looking out the window from my bed, I was sick of not being able to do anything.  The most exciting part of my days are seeing everyone and even than I can't talk.  I been trying to say something when am alone but nothing is working. 

"You look like shit." I trun my head and saw one of my good friend, Aaron.  I smiled at him and shook my head.  "Miles texted me, somehow got my number and asked me to come see you.  So here I am."  I nodded my head.  I grabbed a piece of paper.

Did he tell you I can't talk?

"Yes, I was thinking we could try together."  Aaron said.  I smiled and look away from Aaron  "Come on, I have no idea how to do this but I will try if you do."  Aaron was always like this, pushing people to do something.  I grabbed the paper again.

I have been trying and it's not working.

Aaron took a deep breath and nodded his head.  All I could do is look away.  I am embarrassed that I can't talk.  There wasn't a day where I didn't talk, talking was my life and now I just feel like I am a baby again. 

"Well I promised Miles I would help you so, take all the time you need just start speaking." Aaron looked at me with hope in his eyes, like I would just start talking.  I picked up the pen.

Why did you promise Miles that?

"I'm not going to read it.  You need to use your words."  I point to the paper and Aaron laughed.  "You need to use your mouth to form words.  You are not a baby anymore.  Do I need to get your mother down here?" Aaron gave me that look that makes me re-think our friendship. 

I shack my head and looked at the window. 

"Maybe you need to just take a ride?  I'm getting depressed just sitting here." Before I could stop him, he already walked up to go get a wheelchair.  I guess it would be nice to get out of the room for a little bit.  Aaron came back in with a nurse and a wheelchair.  Aaron smiled and push the wheelchair to me. 

"Aaron said you wanted to go outside for a little bit.  That's good, maybe you need it."  The nurse smiles and I nodded my head.  The nurse show how got me on the wheelchair.  Than Aaron started driving me around. 

"I just wanna say that Miles is definitely a keeper." Aaron whispered in my ear.  I hitched my breath and smiled as I throught about Miles staying in my life.  I mean I want Miles to stay of course just that throught takes my breath away.  "He seems like a good person to be around."

I nodded my head and looked at my hands that are just sitting on my lap.  I'm happy that Aaron accepts Miles.  I mean it means jack shit but this makes things easier for me. 

"We should probably not go out the front entrance, wanna go to the garden?" I looked up at him and gave him a confused look.  "There are people waiting for you.  You know you have been all over the news these last 4 months." I took a deep breath and nodded my head once again.  What has Miles been going through?

Later that Night

I kept looking at my phone, I could call Miles.  Try to talk.  God I miss the hell out of him.  He is the one to spend the most time with me.  Aaron left a little bit because his "girlfriend" asked for him to come home so I have been sitting here with my thoughts. 

"Logan!" I jumped as I turn my head to see a little kid running to me.  Mia.  I smiled and picked her up so she can sit next to me.  Soon Carla and Yuri came around the corner.

"Throught you need some visitors." Carla said with a smile.  I rolled my eyes and hugged Mia.  Mia was basically my child along with Carla.  "What's going on?"  I looked away and took a deep breath looking at my phone.

"Miles texted me and said that he was worried because you haven't text him." Yuri said with a smile, I smirked and nodded my head.  I think that was adorable that he is still worried even when he isn't with me. 

"Are you and Miles boyfriends?" Mia asked, I looked at Carla and she had a shocked look on her face.  I bite my lip and took a deep breath while reaching for a piece of paper and my pen.

Not yet.

"Not yet?  What is that supposed to mean?" Mia asked.  I smiled and looked at Carla that now has a smile.  "Are you going to ask him?" Mia was now getting exited.

Yes, I am going to ask him when I get my voice back.

Mia smiled and nodded hear head.  She looked at her mom and nodded her head.

"Do you love him?" When the word love came out of Mia's mouth, I felt something in my stomach, something I haven't felt in a long time.  I nodded my head.  "I don't believe it." I took one look at Carla and Yuri that has smiles on their face.

Of course I do.  Why would I be asking him to be my boyfriend?

"Well to ask someone to be your boyfriend you need to tell them you love them.  With words.  That's what Yuri does to mom." I smiled and nodded my head.  "So you need to figure out how to tell him with words."

"Ok Mia, that's eno-" I held up my hand to Carla and she stopped talking.  I kept my eyes fixed at Mia that had a small smirk on her face.

I do love Miles, I just need more time to learn how to use my voice.

"Let's learn together.  Let's start easy, Miles."

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now