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"Please don't leave me Miles..." I begged.  But he just smirked and disappeared.  I became upset when I was back next to Kase. 

"Well, you're still here." I screamed and got back up.  I looked to the balcony but Miles wasn't there.  "All you have to do is touch me Logan.  That's what you wanted right?"  I looked at him and shook my head.

"I want to be with Miles.  I need to get over you." I yelled at him.  My world is getting darker and I know I don't have much time left.  I took a deep breath and looked out to the sea.  "I love Miles and I want to tell him." I confess.  I am done, I want to live.  I want to be with Miles and grow old with him.

"I'm sorry to hear that but it's nearly impossible to get out of here." I turn around to see a smirk on his face and that made me even more pissed off.

"I will get out.  I will see Miles and tell him and everyone that I love him." That's where I walked away.  This is something that Kace always did,  purposely got on my nerves.  Even when he's dead.  Even when I'm dying.  I need Miles.


I need Logan.  I am having an anxiety attack and I really want him to be laying down next to me.  I called a taxi because I know that I'm not safe to drive. 

The driver dropped me off at the hospital and I went up to Logan's room.  It was the same as it was a few hours ago but the atmosphere was different.  I sat down on the chair and grabbed Logan's hand.

I felt my body relaxed when I felt his hand in mine even if he isn't holding it back.  He looked about the same as he did earlier today but that is better than yesterday. 

"I miss you." I said quietly.  I know he can't hear me but it still makes me feel better.  Right now I just need a little bit more hope.  "I know what the doctor said but I really just...need you to wake up.  Even if you don't remember me, you still need to look after your family...we can start off something or maybe your going to tell me to go to hell but I need you to stay alive."

I grabbed his hand tighter and looked at them together.  But soon I saw his hand moving and not in a twitch.  I looked up at Logan and he was looking at me.  With his eyes open and everything.  I jumped out of my seat and looked at him as he looked at me with the same shock expression.

"Hold on." I ran out into the hallway and to the nurses station.  There was only 2 nurses but they both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Logan...his eyes are open and and he looked at me." I explained.  I felt happiness go through my body.  The nurses looked at me and I ran back into the room.  Logan was in the same position but his eyes where still looking around.  The nurse walked in and walked up to Logan that looked at her.  She looked in shook.

"Mister Stephen, can you hear me?" The nurse asked.  Logan didn't do anything.  It was like his body was stuck in place or just stiff.  I took a deep breath and sat back down.  How did he hold me hand.  "My name is Brianna, you can't talk and that is normal.  I'm going to shine a light in your eyes."  She did.  She smiles at him and wrote something down. 

"Should I call his family?" I asked.  The nurse looked at me and looked at Logan.

"My evidence is to wait until morning for them to come in.  He is going to fall back asleep and if the brain is too over-stimulated than he will go right in.  I will call Doctor Sirin and see if he will come in tonight."  I could tell Logan was scared.  I held his hand and he looked at me but only with his eyes.

"Everything will be ok Babe." I said with a claimed voice.  I grabbed tighter around his hand and he looked at our hands.

"You can call but I'm not allowing anymore visitors at this hour."  I nodded my head and kept looking at Logan that looks parlayed.

"Why can't he move?" I asked before the she walked out.  I can't belive that I can finally see his eyes open, I have know that he can hear me and that I can be here.

"Because he hasn't move in 4 months.  He probably can't even her us." I nodded my head slowly and I throught of the possibility, what if he doesn't remember me.

He looks scared, lonely...I never saw Logan like this and I don't ever want to see him like this. 


I'm here.  I'm out of that place.  How did I get out, I don't care but I look next to me and saw that Miles holding my hand again.  I can't hear anything but I know that the nurses and Miles is talking.  I also can't move anything.  I mean I did hold Miles hand but I don't know how to do it again.  Everything is setting in just about now. 

I almost died.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now