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"Listen, why don't we go out to lunch, I know this amazing place." Noah asked me.  I took a deep breath, everything about him screams father. 

"I should really get back, I have work tomorrow." Noah gave me a disappointed look that made me feel guilty but at the same time kinda mad.  "Thank you again for-"

"Can I tell you something?" Noah interrupted me.  I took a deep breath again and nodded my head.  "I think I am your father." I stopped, it will take sometime to get used to that.  Even through this is the first and only time I'm going to hear that.

"Yeah, kinda figured that out.  I need to get going." I open up my car door and started to drive.  I wasn't sure how I was feeling.  I know I was happy to get out of there but I also felt bad for just driving off.  I stopped at a red light and called Carla.

Yo! What's up?
I just saw my dad.
Oh wow! Starting off strong.  How did it go?
Well there was no yelling, he asked me to get lunch with him but I said no, and he told me the truth and I kinda left him with a response that sounded like I was irritated.
Ok, are you on your way back?
Yes, I just feel like I shouldn't have left it off like I did.
Well, you responded in a way that not most men would respond.  Most men would yell and say that they would never want to see him again.  You just simply left it as, I don't want to see you again."
I guess your right.
We will talk more about this when you get here.  Yuri and I are about to go out for lunch.
That's cute.  Did you hear form Logan?
Yes I did, I told you I got it under control.

I laughed before me and Carla said our goodbyes.  I can't wait to see Logan, I can't wait to hear his voice and kiss him.  This is going to be amazing.


I walked into the hospital after a long drive.  When I walked into the entrance, I was caught by the grope of Paparazzi.

"Miles, what is going on with Logan Stephen?  Is he going to still run the business?"  I got into the elevator, they are really bad today.  Poor front desk.  I looked at the grope of Paparazzi as the doors closed.  I was now alone again.  What will happen to the business?  With Mister Stephen keep running it until Logan is ready or will Zachary take over for now?  That is definitely something that I need to figure out.  But whatever happens, I hope Logan will still want me to stay with him. 

I walked into Logan's room and he was looking at his computer, I smiled and Logan still has noticed me.  He was so constructed on his computer screen that it looks like he is forgetting to breath.  I knock on Logan's door and he jumped as he turn to me.

"I didn't see you there." His voice was rusty and deep but it's kinda sexy.  I smirked and walked up to him. Logan set his computer down as I walked to him. 

"I wasn't here for long." I said with the smirk still on my lips.  I stand next to Logan as my hand went right to his hair.  I lean on the bed as I played with his dark brown hair.  "I missed your voice."

"Oh yeah?" Logan laughed, I smiled and nodded my head.  Me and Logan looked into each other eyes, but soon a hand was hold the back of my thigh.

"Yeah." I laughed and got closer to him.  Logan kept looking at me but I couldn't help but look at his left hand that had the scar of the burn.  I took a deep breath and looked away before I started crying.  I don't know why I would but I feel myself getting to the point.  "You must have a lot to say."

"Well, I just want to know how my family figured out that I was gay." My body went into shook.  I know that he wasn't ready at all when he was awake but they started to wonder why I was here all the time so I just kinda told them.  "Baby, I'm not mad.  Just it's kinda awkward that I woke up and they all treat me like I am the gold child, like a whole different person"

"Well, can you really blame them?"  I said, I didn't mean for that to sound flirty but it kinda sounded like that.  Logan looked at me and gave me a annoyed look.  "I mean we almost lost you.  You were almost brain dead.  I just think your family was worried and notice that without you nothing would be the same and scared that it was to late to change that." I looked at Logan and he still seemed annoyed.  I took a small breath in before climbing on his bed.  "I know I was worried."

"Worried?" Logan raised an eyebrow and looked at me.  My heart started to beat a million miles per minute.  Why did I say that?

"Of course I was." I muttered.  I moved closer to his chest and he put his arm around me.  "I was worried that we would never figure this out."

"Figure what out?" Logan asked, confused.  I took a second, trying to find the right words to say.  My what did I get myself into?

"You know..." I waited, but Logan was saying nothing.  His thumb was making circles on my sholder blade.  I took a deep breath before continuing.  "Figuring us out." That's when I felt Logan thumb stop.  Everything in his body seemed to stop.

I just fucked up.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now