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Right when me and Logan got back to the hotel, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of New Hampshire Vodka.  I took off the cap and started chugging out of the bottle. 

"Ok, what's wrong?" Logan asked. I looked at him and saw that I was angry.  "Is this because I didn't tell you about Luis being there?"

"I think we need to have a talk about our sex life." I said.  Logan looked at me and took a deep breath.

"It's about the comment about Austin." Logan said.  He seems angry but I want to know the truth.  "Me and Austin made out once.  But it was before I knew you existed."

"I don't want you to be pissed off.  I want you to be honest with me." I said.  Logan looked at me and didn't speak.  I took a deep breath and shook my head.  But before I could talk Logan said something.

"Well you never asked so I had no reason-"

"I never asked because I didn't have a reason to."

"And you still have no reason to!" Logan said standing up.  I was angry, I took another drink of the Vodka and looked at Logan.  "Since you're acting so sweet and innocent, how many people have you slept with."

"4 people." I said.  Logan laughed and clapped his hands in a sarcastic way.  Making me more pissed off.

"4 people! I would expect this behavior from someone that only slept with one person but-"

"It doesn't matter how many people you or I slept with.  I just want to make sure you tell me when someone is about to show up out of the blue."

"No, you know all the people you can know." Logan said in a soft voice.  I looked at him. 

"What about that Kace guy?  I'm almost 100% sure you slept with him." I asked.  Logan looked at me and took a deep breath before answering.

"Kace died when I was 21.  Yes, I did have sex with him and he was the only other relationship I have been in where it was for myself."  I looked at Logan and he seemed like he was finally calming down.  "No body else knows about him and no one will know about him."

"I'm going upstairs." I said.  But Logan stepped in front of me.  I looked at him and I saw something changing in the way he looks at me.

"I want to make things right for us." Logan said.  I took a deep breath before speaking, making sure I don't sound like a bitch.

"Than tell me the truth."

"I love you." Logan said right after I was done talking.  I became breathless.  My heart started to pound against my chest.  "You want the truth, I am giving you the truth.  Since the day you walked into my office, I knew it.  I knew that I found something bigger for myself.  I knew that I wanted you, I knew from the first moment you called me by Logan, I wanted to hear the for the rest of my life.  I have never put anyone before my business but I just had to with you because you make my life worth living for."

He looked at me and I couldn't speak.  I couldn't do anything but look at Logan.  He looked scared but gentle at the same time.

"You pulled me out.  You are the reason I am here right now and I wouldn't be anywhere in the world but right here still because I get to look at you, I get to feel you and hold you without anyone bothering us.  I only want to be here with you because I'm in love with you."

I kept looking at Logan.  I haven't heard those words from anyone, not even my parents...I want to tell him that I am in love too but nothing is coming out.  I just grabbed Logan's neck and pulled him in.

Logan was shocked but soon pulled me closer and I felt my words coming back.  I kept kissing Logan through.  But soon he moved away from my lips and moved down to my neck. 

"L-Logan..." I mumbled out but he didn't stop.  But he did swing my body towards the counter and pushed me up against it.  But Logan found my sweet spot and I put my hands on Logan's shoulders and held my breath.  While Logan made a hickey, I was moaning while this man put his hands in all the right places and grinds into me. 

But soon Logan stopped and started to undo mine dress-shirt and I looked at him.  Logan stopped and looked into my eyes.

"Is this ok?" Logan asked.  I nodded my head but Logan smirked and made me look up at him by putting his fingers under my chin.  I looked in his eyes and Logan moved in to kiss my cheek but moved to my ear.  "Use your words." I looked at Logan as he pulled back to look in my eyes.

"Yes." Logan smiled and pulled me back in for a kiss.  I started to take off his blazer and dress-shirt.  "Logan...I love you too." Logan smirked and kissed me again.

"Tell me again." Logan demanded.  I smiled and started to slip off Logan's dress-shirt. 

"I love you Logan." Logan went wild and kissed my lips with passion.  I smiled and pulled him closer. 


"I love you..." Logan started pulling off my dress-shirt.  After that, Logan started undoing my pants.  Logan started kissing my lips again. 

"One more time..." Logan whispered against my lips.  I looked into Logan's eyes.

"I love you." I was being turned around and my pants where being pulled down.  I felt a bear chest up against my back and I start to reach down.  "I love you Logan..."

"I love you Miles..." Logan whispered.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now