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When I was sober enough to actually have a pleasant conversation and also got my suit on for the party, I called an Uber.  While I was waiting, I went through my only voicemail.

You have 100 new message.  First one sent today at 2:30PM.

Hey Miles...It's me.  I just wanted to let you know that they are doing a few more test on me and I would really like you to be here.  They will be done at around 6 so maybe come around 5:40.  Or earlier if you want to talk about what happened...

There was a long pause.  Than he just hanged up.  I looked at the time and it was 6:00 so I can go to him and talk.  Talk about Austin and talk about this marriage.

Soon my Uber is here so I went down and got into the car.  All I did was try to text Logan to warn him I'm coming but he wasn't texting back.  Even through I can see he's reading.  I took a deep breath and soon I was at the hospital.

I walked into the back entrance so I can avoid the paparazzi.  But got stopped by one of the doctors that looked really familiar.

"Thank you." The doctor smiled and looked at his chart.  I smiled and waited for my floor.  When it got to my floor, I walked to the room.  Logan looked like he was tired, mentally and physically. I knocked on the door.  "Hey..."

"Hi." Logan smirked.  "You look handsome." That made me blush.  I'm surprised that he isn't angry.

"Thank you.  I throught it was not my style but..." I smiled as I walked but to him.  Logan smirked and held out his arm.  "What test did they run on you?" I asked.

"An MRI, some blood test, I'm hoping they won't find anything." I nodded my head and felt Logan's hand on the back of my thigh. 

"Sorry that I have been a horrible boyfriend today." I got a surprise slap on the ass and I looked at Logan with a shocked look.

"You were an asshole.  Not a horrible boyfriend.  I'm sure you had a reason for not texting me."  I smirked and grabbed onto Logan tighter.  He is so understanding.

"Just, Austin being Austin.  I went to the bar and just forgot about everything." I just realized how fucked up that sounded.  Logan gave me a shocked look that only shows me that I was in deep water.  "I know that is a shit ex-"

"What did Austin do?" We stare into each eyes that made us both just relax.  I got on the bed and snuggle up to Logan.  He turn into a big teddy bear.

"We...we took things and he tried to get with me." I don't know why this is so hard to tell Logan.  I didn't do anything with Logan but I know I would flip out if someone tried to get with Logan. 

"You took things?" Logan asked.  I took a deep breath and nodded my head looking up my boyfriend.  "Drugs?" Logan whispered. 

I gave me the look that showed I was sorry, sorry because I know he doesn't like drugs.  But he just nodded his head and pulled me closer to his chest. 

"I can't wait until life gets back to normal." Logan mumbled.  His rusty voice was shacking my inside up and making my member twitch just a little bit. 

"I can't either but let's not push your body." I moved closer to Logan but my hand was now trapped between mine and his member.  Logan felt my hand and hitched his breath that shows that he wants me to kept touching him. 

I moved my hand so that it hid under the blanket and rubbed my hands up and under his hospital gown.  I'm surprised he has briefs on but I used both of my hands to take them off that's when he helped me by moving his legs up and I stopped.

"Wh-why did you stop?" Logan whispered, he was already kinda out of breath.  I looked up at him before I smiled and shook my head.

"We will worry about it later." Befor he could protest, I smash my lips into his that really shocked him but he still kissed me back.  Soon it started to get really hot and I could feel Logan's now full on boner.

I stopped kissing him but moved down to his neck and kept kissing all around as he let out small mone so no one will hear.  But soon I pulled grabbed my car keys and looked at them.  Logan kept kissing my head but when he notice what I had in my hand, he stopped.

"You carry lube around on your keys?" Logan said with a smirk.  It was disguised as pepper spray but when you open up the can, it was lube.  I looked up at him and nodded my head.  "You through of everything baby..."

"I know I have." I put some lube on his member and started to rub it.  Logan took a deep breath in and I could tell he was trying to keep his eyes from rolling back in pleasure he was feeling only pleasure in is body and I was enjoying making him feel good. 

I couldn't stop my thoughts overflowing and make me want more but here is not the place.  I moved my hand to my dress-shirt and started to undo my bottons so that my body was completely out.  Logan on the other hand could not keep his hands off of my body, his left hand was squeezing my ass while his right hand was holding the back of my neck.  His face was barried in the neck and I could feel every heavy breath. 

"Fuck...I'm close M-Miles" That is when I grabbed his cheek with my free hand and made him look me in the eyes.  Logan is so handsome.  I mean, I knew that before tonight but he is just sexy inside and out.  I want to wake up to him every morning for the rest of my life.  I hate how he is everything I always wanted and more.

"Can you cum on my body daddy?" I said as I look into his eyes.  Logan nodded his head and closed his eyes but open the up before he came all over my stomach.  I took a deep breath before I felt myself let go inside my pants.  I smiled and looked up at Logan that was out of breath and playing with the cum on my body. 

"Good job Love...you made daddy proud."  My heart skipped a beat.  I made daddy proud.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now