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I looked over to my left to find Miles sleeping peacefully.  I felt at peace knowing that Miles is actually in love with me. 

I turn over and cuddled up with Miles and closed my eyes.  But soon Miles moved over to his side and got as close as he could get.  I felt him shivering and he pulled the sheets up to his noise.  I wrapped my arms around him and started to pet his hair. 

"I love you Miles..." I whispered one last time.  I can't get sick of saying those words, I moved my hand down his body and even throught he's cold, it was nice to feel his skin. 

But soon he was warming up, I closed my eyes because I know the Miles is taken care of.  But soon he moved his head.  It felt like he was looking at me. 

"I love you Logan..."  Miles said in a whispered.  I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at Miles.  Miles was smiling and I kissed him and soon we both fell asleep.



Me, Logan, Zoie, Zackary, and Shawn were all on the beach.  Me and Zoie were in the water while the rest of them stayed on the beach.  I kept looking at Logan through.

He is so sexy in those beach shorts and his sunglasses made him look like a bad ass.  I looked back at Zoie and she was smiling.

"You really look at my brother like a piece of gold." Zoie comments.  I smiled and splashed her with a little bit of water.  "Hey, I think it's cute."

"Well, if you really look at it, his other boyfriend's were looking at him as the same I am looking at him right now." I said.  I'm not mad anymore, I'm just making a point.

"To be honest, I always knew he wasn't into woman.  I always saw Kace's eyes as he looked at Logan but...the way you look at him..." I looked at Zoie and took a deep breath.

"If you don't mind, how did Kace died?" I asked.  Zoie smiled a little and looks at Logan. 

"Kace and Logan were at a business meeting one day.  It was my dad, my mother, Kace, and Logan.  But long story short, someone was out to get Logan and Kace jumped in front of him so that the first bullet would go straight towards Kace's heart but when the guy shot again, he hit Logan in the lung." Zoie told me.  I started to think about Logan's body and that scare that looked like a bullet wond but I was to scared to ask. 

I looked back at the beach and I saw a woman in a bikini talking to Logan.  I took a deep breath and looked at Zoie.

"Please tell me this isn't another fling Logan had." I said.  Zoie smiled and shook her head.  I smiled and we started to get out of the water.  When we got to Logan, the woman was now touching his body.  I walked up to them.

"You're so st-"

"Hey babe..." I said, I wrapped my arms around his hips and started to rub my fingertips up and down Logan's body, just like she was doing but expact Logan actually enjoys it.  "Who's this?"

"She was just leaving." Logan said.  He looked stressed and I understand why.  I looked up at him and he took a deep breath.  But the woman walked away, embarrassed.  I smriked and Logan looked down at me.  "I honestly don't know who she is."

"I believe you." I said with a smile.  Logan smiled and looked around.  We saw paparazzi and he waved at them.  He does so good with those type of things that I can't see anyone really hating him or think Logan is scary.

The people with the camera smiled and waved back.

"Kiss!" Someone yelled.  Logan smirked and looked at me.  Logan grabbed my hips and pulled me in close so our lips would connect and we shared a long passionate kiss so everyone can get the photos.  Logan pulled away but didn't let go of me.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now