Chapter 10

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Your pov


Shit, shit shit shittttt

I stand up hurriedly and look in the mirror praying i just have a runny nose and this isn't what i think it is. But then I look more carefully in the mirror and my worst nightmares just came true, I frantically shove handfuls and handfuls of tissues on my face in an attempt to control the bleeding. 

i hear a knock at the door "hey y/n can i come in?" it Peter shit. I pause time, it's the only way to control this without anyone seeing. 

My tissues are getting filled by not only blood but tears now as I know what this could mean for me. I won't jump to any conclusions until the bruises start appearing though, I want to delay what is possibly the inevitable for as ling as possible  I quietly sob in a ball on the floor for a while until I manage to sit up and compose myself, I look in the mirror and force a smile onto my face, I open my door walk past a currently frozen Peter Parker and head to the kitchen, I chug a cup of water and use a bit more to splash my face to reduce the red puffy eyes I give myself a bit longer with time paused and just eat a bowl of cereal while i let my cheeks return to their original colour. I wash and put away the bowl and spoon I used so no one gets suspicious and walk slowly back down the hallway to my room I walk past Peter making sure I don't touch him by mistake and close my door, I quickly throw all of the tissues into the trash and take a deep breath before pressing play on time.

"yeah of course" I open the door and let Peter in "What do you need" I ask

"just wanted to...I don't know... hang out?" he chuckles 

honestly I would do anything to take my mind off what just happened "yeah sure what do you want to do?" 

"I don't know maybe we could go on a walk? watch a movie?" 

"a walk sounds perfect" I figured the dark sky could hide any possible blood I had left on my face...

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