Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov:


He throws me on the bed as our kisses grow deeper this is incredible it feels like, like, electricity is between us as though fireworks should be going off around the world in celebration of this monumental kiss. His hands have been surprisingly PG, they've grabbed my ass a couple of times but nothing major.

He kisses down my neck and I know small hickeys will be forming which will be a bitch to cover but I don't care at this moment, his hand dips into the back of my waistband making me shiver against his body, oh god if tony saw us now he'd be so angry. Then he attempts to lift the sweater i'm wearing which can not happen because since I found the first one earlier at least 10 more bruises have appeared all over my arms and as Peter so awkwardly noticed they're spreading to my legs 

"wait, wait wait" I say pushing his hands away from the hem of my sweater 

"yeah of course i'm so sorry" he says awkwardly 

"no you don't need to apologise it's just-I I'm freezing heh" at look at him praying he believes that shit excuse

"ahhh makes sense and anyway we- I mean I kind if need to calm down a bit if you know what I mean" he laughs 

"haha yeah it's okay I should really get to bed anyway but this was, nice heh" I say nervously 

"yeah it was" he says tracing over the hickeys on my neck which make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up "well goodnight y/n" he says pulling me in for one more lingering kiss that I really don't want to pull away from

"Goodnight Peter" I walk out the door and onto the landing where I'm greeted by an excited looking Natasha

"So how long has this been a thing?" she queries raising an eyebrow at me 

"That was our first kiss" I say she looks at me in disbelief knowing full well she's seen us kissing before "okay fine we may have kissed a few times but nothing is official you know?"

"mhm" she says with a mischievous look on her face "anyway you need to get to bed after the day you've had" she smiles 

"will do" I say with a salute "Oh and one last thing pleaseee don't tell tony you know what he'll say"

"that you are strictly coworkers don't worry we've all had the talk" she says imitating tony's voice however suddenly very aware that the fresh bruise on my leg is showing I attempt to wrap up the conversation before she sees 

"well goodnight then" 

"yeah see you tomorrow" Nat smiles 

I get to my room and close the door thanking god she didn't clock the large bruise on my leg and lay in bed just replaying mine and Peter's kiss over and over again and suddenly very upset i'm not in his room right now and then I get even more upset thinking about the symptoms I've developed in the last 24 hours alone, it's undeniable I could be having a relapse but I just can't put everyone through that again so I will put this off for as long as humanly possible and call my doctor when it gets extreme...if I even decide to call my doctor that is

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now