Chapter 16

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Y/n's pov


My alarm goes off at 7:00am because I have to go to school again and carry on the mission, I stop time and go back to sleep for at least another hour if not two so I am refreshed and ready for the day ahead I brush my teeth and get in some long baggy jeans and a long sleeve sweater and take a couple extra minutes covering the now fading hickeys and walk into the kitchen and skip ahead until 7:30am when everyone's in the kitchen having breakfast 

"Woah! y/n you've got to stop doing that" Thor says startled by my sudden appearance I laugh 

"You're such a baby" I smile, I see Peter across the table and smile at him "morning" 

"morning y/n" he says with that gorgeous smile spreading across his face making my heart melt But i'm interrupted by Tony

"eh hem" he says giving Peter a glance "y/n can I see you a second in the kitchen"

"sure" I say, I stand up from the table and walking over to the kitchen island however despite Stark's greatest attempts at secrecy as it is an open floor plan everyone sat at the table can still see us and I see Peter shooting us a confused look.

"Look, you know I hate this as much as you but I told you I was going to watch you take them every morning" he slides me a glass of water and the paper pharmacy bag, as I remove two tablets from the packaging I can feel Peter's eyes burning into the back of my head I give him a quick glace before looking back at Tony 

"Do I have to?" I smile weakly looking down at the pills in my hand before looking back to meet his gaze 

"Yes, I'm sorry but you really scared me the other night y/n I can't have that happening again" he says with a look of genuine concern on his face

"Okay, Sorry about that by the way but you really don't need to worry about me I promise" I say 

"I'm your legal guardian" he say "it's my job to worry about you, now bottoms up" he says tapping my hand 

"fine" i say as I take them both and chug a load of water down with them 

"y/n we're going to be late for school" Peter says almost nervously approaching me and Tony 

"right i'll meet you by the front door" I smile "thankyou Tony"

"Anytime kid, see you this time tomorrow" He pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the forehead before I go


Me an Peter walk into school "So what was that about earlier in the kitchen with Stark?" he asks nervously 

"Oh uh he was just talking to me about the other night you know" I'm not sure why I lied but I couldn't have another avenger thinking I'm weak and need medication 

"Oh yeah, well if it makes you feel any better I really enjoyed what happened after all of that" he smile which makes me blush 

"heh yeah me too" my cheeks are burning and Peter takes my hand as we walk through the corridors all the while a huge smile is plastered on my face

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