Chapter 17

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Y/n's pov


I lose Peter sometime after chemistry and I'm walking through the halls by myself, slightly overwhelmed by the crowds and the size of the school and the fact I have no idea where I'm going until a hand covers my mouth and pulls me into what I imagine is the janitors closet. It's so dark I can hardly see a thing and it's so small there's barely enough room for one person never mind two.

"What's going on?! Who are you?!" I say with terror in my voice, the light flicks on and I'm greeted by a smiling Peter Parker

"Hey, sorry if I startled you" he smiles 

"No it's okay I like this surprise" I say blushing, his hand is lightly brushing my neck making me shiver "So why did you bring me here?" I ask almost certain I already know the answer 

"Oh no reason" He smiles mischievously before pulling me into him and letting our lips connect, it's electric fireworks erupt and I feel safe, safe in his presence and safe in his arms. He runs his hands through my hair and pulls it gently, I kiss down his neck and along his jaw before he pulls me back up to let our lips meet again and everything is perfect until...

"hey are you okay?" he asks me 

"never better" i say mid kiss

"woah no seriously y/n your nose is bleeding" he says pulling away 

"shit, shit this is so embarrassing" and I'm just thankful he has no idea what this means 

"hey, hey don't worry" he says reaching into his pocket and grabbing a napkin from the cafeteria "this will have to do until we get to the nurses office" my eyes widen knowing full well the nurse would call home and tell Tony that I was having a nose bleed if I went to her office 

"Oh no we don't have to do that, trust me this has happened before just help me to the girls bathroom?" I ask with my head angled towards the ceiling

"yeah yeah of course" he says putting his hand around my waist which I like and he guided me out of the closet. We arrive at the girls bathroom I assume because he stops knowing he can't go any further he opens the door for me "hey are you sure you'll be okay" 

"Yeah of course of course don't worry about me honestly go back to class I'll catch up with you later" I smile desperate to get away, once he walks away I turn and sprint into the bathroom and stop time, "shit shit shit" I say under my breath as I aggressively pull mounds of toilet paper out the dispenser, I run to the mirror and shove them all in my face attempting to control the bleeding but there's so much, it spills down my face and my shirt it's just such a mess, I sit on the floor leaning against the stall and just wait for it to stop, I know I need to tell someone but the second I do I know it will all start again, the worry and fear and seeing Nat crying in her room when she doesn't know it all just sucks so much and everyone treats you so differently and I just want to hold on to being a normal person for as long as possible. 

As soon as it's stopped I look in the mirror and splash water on my face to get rid of the remaining blood, I look down at my top and just see blood spilled all the way down but I thank god I can stop time because I walk into the corridor and go to my locker and remove my long-sleeved shirt and shove the spare hoodie I have over my head without anyone seeing. 

However I underestimated how warm it was going to be today so I'm now sweating but I'd rather that than anyone see the amount of bruises that are covering my body. I decide I'm done with school today and leave the premises before starting time again and texting Peter to let him know I wouldn't be walking home and set off back to the compound.

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