Chapter 20

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Peter's pov


My eyes open wearily and I notice y/n and I are cuddling which is slightly awkward as we've never really discussed what we are before but I'm glad I could be a friend for her. I'm slightly overwhelmed from everything she told me last night, I mean seriously no wonder it took her so long to tell me, she's had a really rough childhood. I look down and my face falls at the sight of her bruises, I feel so bad for her, she's literally the best person ever she doesn't deserve any of this happen to her I just wish I could take away all the hurt she has experienced. I lightly trace over one of her bruises and just feel sadness wash over me, this must've been so hard to hide from all of us, I mean she was seriously protecting us when she was going through all of this. She is just the most selfless person I know It's ridiculous. I check the time, 4:35am, Jesus Christ it's way too early for her to wake up yet especially after the late night she had last night. I wrap my arms around her and cuddle up close to her falling asleep again, not wanting to let her go again, not wanting her to ever get hurt again. 

I wake up from a bright flash and the sound of camera clicks and giggles, disgruntled I open my eyes to see the entire rest of the team standing around the bed taking pictures and laughing, at first I'm confused but then I realise y/n and I are still cuddling

"Morning kid" Tony snickers

"What are you guys doing here?" I say leaping out of the bed, my ears turning pink in embarrassment 

"Aww sorry did we embarrass you?" Nat teases 

"Heh, no i- we- nothing eve- why are you guys here?" I say stuttering 

"We came to visit but when we got here we realised we were not the first to arrive" Thor smiles 

"So kid, on a serious note, what's happening between you and y/n" Steve asks furrowing his brow

"Nothing!" I say as Nat raises an eyebrow sceptically at me "I swear we're just friends, I came to visit her last night and we ended up falling asleep that is it!" I say hurriedly 

"How did you get in after visiting hours?" Thor queries 

"Well i- sort of climbed through the window" I say, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck

"Awww" they all say mockingly in unison, at that y/n finally wakes up

"Jesus guys a bit creepy watching me sleep, what are you all talking about?" she asks sitting up

"Nothingggg" Nat says sarcastically 

"What??" y/n asks again 

"Check your phone" tony says smiling, she opens her phone and her eyes grow wide and I assume Tony sent the photo to her, she glances at me quickly before looking up to the others

"heh- I meannnn-" shes cut off when she starts coughing, we all quickly rush to her side

"y/n are you alright? Should we get the doctor?" Steve asks worriedly 

"No" She says between coughs, she moves the water bottle on the other side of the room to her hand with her mind "This is all I needed" she takes a large gulp "see all better, I mean seriously guys I appreciate you care about me but you really don't need to be this worried" 

"hey guys" the doctor walks into the room, we all stand up straight 

"Any news?" Tony asks

"We are going to neglect to run any further tests today as we should only consider testing further if your white blood cell count is irregular" 

"Okay so what does this mean?" I ask

"It means she can go home today and like I said if the test results for your white blood cell count aren't what we would hope then we shall take the testing further" the doctor smiles

"Thankyou" y/n smiles "So when should we expect the results for this test?"

"Any time in the next 48 hours" the doctor says "I will sign your discharge papers now and you are free to go" he nods before exiting 

"Okay this is good" y/n says 

"Yeah kid lets take you home" Tony smiles 

"Yeah, can I get a little help getting out of bed? please i'm so tired heh" y/n asks sheepishly 

"Yeah of course" Thor says as him and Cap make a bee line for y/n making me slightly annoyed at myself for not getting in there sooner, as y/n stands up all of her bruises are exposed and we can't help but stare,  a hospital gown doesn't exactly hide them. Cap and Thor look at the bruises then share a worried glance between each other making me nervous before helping her into a wheelchair. I think y/n notices the staring because she moves her sweater over to her with her mind and covers up her arms at least 

"Cold huh?" she chuckles trying to relieve some tension, tony just smiles weakly in response attempting to hide his concern.

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