Chapter 28

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Peters pov


I can't tear my eyes away. I mean seriously I'm trying my hardest to be respectful but every time I look at her in that dress I'm just taken back to last night... and then earlier in the shower....

I just don't know what we are, I mean am I just friends with benefits to her or does she want more? I mean I want more but opening up to her about that is scary and I mean I feel like she's not even been thinking about me with all the other stuff going on in her life and I don't blame her she has far worse problems to be facing than whether or not we're official. But still confirmation would be nice I'll go talk to her later.

I walk over to the bar to suddenly find Steve sat a few stools down with his head in his hands. "Steve? Are you okay?" I ask tentatively, we're not that close so I don't expect much of a response but he and y/n are really close annoyingly so and so I feel as though I need to make the effort 

"What? oh er yeah I'm fine" He says but his hollowed cheeks and black undereyes are telling a different story 

"Seriously Steve what's up I'm worried about you?" I say, my concern genuine this time 

"It's nothing I jus- It's this whole thing with y/n is really playing on my mind" why is he so concerned about y/n I mean I get it everyone is, me more than anyone, but he's not even her boyfriend. I'm not sure why I get jealous at this but I do 

"Oh yeah right of course, but I have faith that everything will be alright you know I mean the doctor will call any minute now I reckon" I say in an attempt to be reassuring 

"God I hope so I'm losing my mind" He says and I can tell

I search the room desperate to find y/n, Steve really put things into perspective for me and I need to spend as much time with her as I can because well... god knows how much time she has left.

I find her stood talking and laughing with a group of men I don't recognise and just assume are friends of Stark's, god my jealousy is through the roof I just want to follow around behind her with a sign saying she's mine but i mean i obviously can't because well, she's not. Well not officially anyway. I just want to know where we're at because at the moment it's driving me crazy. 

As I approach the group shes talking to my stomach flips, she has her back turned and yet It's like I can see her smile. I walk up behind her standing in the group, gently placing my hand on the small of her back and facing the group with my best sociable smile. 

"Excuse me gentleman, may I borrow the lovely y/n for a moment please" God I hate speaking like that, it feel so unnatural but Tony gave me some great little phrases I can say if I get nervous or don't really know what to say, he also gave a me a list of topics not to discuss and it essentially consisted entirely of everything I'm actually interested in so i'm now stuck in this party surrounded by people I don't know. If it wasn't for y/n I would still be wandering aimlessly trying to find someone to talk to 

I gently guide her to the corner of the party, not removing my hand from her back the whole way 

"Round two already?" She says smirking, the fact that she is this good at acting like she's completely fine despite the fact that I can tell she is desperate to hear from the doctor honestly frightens me a bit

"Y/n..." I say with a more serious tone

"Peter, is everything okay?" she asks, god she's selfless 

"Yeah- i mean no, honestly it's kind of killing me not knowing what we are" i say almost immediately wishing i hadn't thrown this on her while she's literally anticipating the most important call of her life 

"Peter I-I mean what do you want us to be?" she says with a hopeful look on her face

"I mean I don't know" I respond stupidly 

"You don't know?" she says and her face falls "cool" she adds looking at the ground 

"No I mean I-" I says stuttering over my words

"You what?" She replies impatiently, her tone laced with annoyance 

"I want you to be my girlfriend!" I say way too loudly and the whole rooms falls silent, her eyes open wide and before she can even react her phone rings... 

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