Chapter 24

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Y/n's pov:



shit shit shit 

what was I thinking?

I look over an I'm met by the familiar chocolate curls of Peters hair. God he's beautiful, last night was incredible... and SUCH a huge mistake I can never do it again. No matter how much I want to.

I can't even face him this early, we'll have to face the reality of this relationship and the fact that Tony would never let us be together and would absolutely freak out if he found out we slept together. 

I creep out of bed desperately trying to be as quiet as possible, I manage to find my underwear and my shorts and I decide I'll come back for my shorts later. I sneak out of his bedroom pulling the door closed as gently as possible. I turn to go to my room when I hear a giggle, I turn and see Thor at the end of the hallway shit it's so early I figured no one would be awake 

"good night?" Thor says with a wink 

"Piss off" I say and Thor laughs and walks off, he better not tell anyone I swear to God. 

I throw myself onto my bed and let myself sink into the sheets below me. So much has happened in the last 48  I can't even begin to process it. I stare at my ceiling and I think back to last night, my stomach does cart wheels and I cant help but smile to myself.

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