Chapter 5

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y/n's pov:


I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the late hour, or seeing him shirtless or just my love for Stark's whiskey but when Peter stood up to go to bed I felt this sadness that he was leaving.


We're stood in the gallery room where Stark keeps all of his fancy artwork both with almost empty whiskey glasses in our hands, laughing and sharing stories of our past. I'm really enjoying his company as we wander through all of the paintings, pointing and laughing at some of Tony's more questionable purchases. I lean over to a side table to put my now empty glass down and when I stand back up again Peters face is inches from mine. I can't help but stare at his lips.

"hi" I say nervously not really knowing what to do

"Hi" he says in an almost growl that makes me shiver

He leans into me I can smell the whiskey in his breath, he's so close to me I almost can't breath as he leans in and I close my eyes in anticipation, a buzz comes from my pocket, startled at what just happened or almost happened i frantically leap away from him which makes his face fall in disappointment, I grab the phone out of my pocket and hurriedly run out of the room and murmur a halfhearted thank you for the evening on my way past peter and i jump into bed and sink into the mattress, my heart still pounding from what just happened. Things need to stay professional between the two of us from now on. I check my phone and it's my doctor...


The next morning i trudge out into the kitchen as I lock eyes with Tony, me knowing full well he can see everyone's texts they receive i swiftly attempt to duck back into the hallway which doesn't work either as I spot Peter coming out of his room, in this moment i have two options but I'm unsure of which one to choose so I pause time briefly and begin to pace around the room weighing up my options. If I decide to face Tony I will have to explain to him why I didn't tell him about me avoiding my new prescription of anti-anxiety medication. But on the other hand if I face Peter then I have to try and explain why I ran out on him last night and attempt to tell him our relationship needs to remain strictly professional despite the fact I really like him.

did i just admit that to myself. do i like peter???? Yeah that conversation will be way more complicated. I press play on time and let Tony pull me aside, as we stand in the corner of the living room away from everyone i see peter come in and shoot me a look of confusion and hurt from avoiding him just now. However now I have bigger things to worry about because Tony now knows i've been avoiding me doctor.

"y/n you knew the deal" he says with a look of almost concern washing over him which i'd never seen before on Tony Stark's face "You can keep coming on missions with us if you stay on top of your medication" I stare at the floor feeling like a schoolgirl in the headmasters office.

"I know, I know and i'm so sorry. They just make me" I say

"What? They make you feel what? hm?" He asks an ounce of annoyance creeps into his tone

"weak!" I say looking up at him as small pools gather in my eyes "Alright, they make me feel weak, I mean i walk around everyday surrounded by the avengers for Christ sake, non of them need anti-anxiety medication, non of them have paralysing panic attacks if they don't take pills everyday-"

"non of them have been through what you've been through!" he says interrupting me. I attempt to blink back the tears and compose myself after my mini outburst that i'm now feeling quite embarrassed about

"Just promise me you'll go to the doctor today and pick them up?" He says, his sympathetic tone has returned to his voice

"fine, I promise" i say looking down at the floor again, he pulls me into a hug and at this point I can feel Peters eyes burning into the side of my head. I pull away from Tony and smile weakly before hurrying off not wanting him to see me cry I walk quickly past peter who calls after me but I just ignore him. I get into my room and bury my head in my pillow and I let the tears fall hard from my face.

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