Chapter 3

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*y/n's pov*


This can't be happening, you think to yourself. It just can't be. Tony had called another emergency meeting the day after you first met Peter. Tony's explaining to everyone about this new mission and how our current threat is a teacher at 'Midtown School of Science and Technology' which also just so happens to be the school Peter goes to. Despite being 17 years old you don't attend school, being an avenger became your full time job when Tony found you all of those years ago. The only people that know your true story are you, Natasha, Steve, Thor and Tony, they were who you were closest with in the tower and therefore you confided your secret past in them. But now i'm listening to Tony drone on about the terms and conditions of this new mission but I completely stop listening after he says this...

"So y/n you're going to attend school with peter for a while and gather information on this guy"

I stare at him with wide eyes and my mouth hangs open unable to process this information. I only actually attended school until i was 12 years old because that's when everything in my life changed and I haven't been to school since. But I remember hating it when I did go. What's even worse is that I've been put in every single class with Peter and we have to work together very closely for while, Peter's even going to move into the stark tower while this mission is going on. I'm not too sure what excuse they told Aunt May and I also honestly don't care.

"Is there no way of us completing this mission without sending me school?" I ask still bewildered

"Nope! It's the best way for you to get close enough to this guy without seeming suspicious" Tony stated plainly

"This is soooo unfair" I whined

"tough" Tony said tilting his head with a sarcastic smirk "Also you and Peter are going to need to meet most nights to discuss game plans and and information you find"

I look over at Peter and smile weakly, he responds with a big toothy grin, holy shit he's gorgeous when he smiles. But we're co-workers, that's all. That's how Tony described us and that's what we'll be.

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now