Chapter 2

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*Peter's pov*


I'm so nervous for my first ever avengers meeting Happy told me briefly about everyone on the car ride over, Thor seems cool but scary, Steve sounds a little strict but nice, I will try so hard to make sure I don't annoy Bruce and y/n sounds interesting i'm intrigued to meet her. Tony ushers me in and a couple of people are already sat there, Thor's just casually tossing his hammer up and down, Steve and Natasha seem to be deep in conversation both laughing at something that someone just said. Wanda is giggling in the corner with vision and the others are yet to arrive.

Tony brings me to them and we each share a small interaction that just consists mainly of awkward smiles being shared between each of us. Tony sends out a message to the others who all flock in in the next couple of minutes, Bruce comes in and sends a confused look in my direction and shortly followed by Clint, Stephen, James, Sam and Scott all sharing equally as confused glares. However there's still not sign of y/n.

"God is she late again?" Clint breathes

"Maybe she just didn't get my message i'll try her again" tony says through an exasperated sigh

"Actually has anyone seen her yet today?" Steve questions

"I'll go see what she's doing" Thor says while getting up and disappearing down the hallway

A few moments goes by before Thor returns "Was she asleep by any chance?" Tony asked

"You guessed it" Thor chuckles

A couple seconds later a very tired looking girl around my age emerges from the hallway, despite her somewhat messy exterior she might just be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her skin is radiant and tanned and I blush a little at the sight of her however luckily no one notices as they're too busy throwing innocent remarks at her.

However I am immediately caught by surprise when the bowl of cereal starts to make itself. Her eyes dart around the ingredients as her face remains completely relaxed she looks almost bored.

"woah is she doing that with her mind?"

"Yeah she's telekinetic, i thought you knew?"

"well I do now" I say with a chuckle

As she comes to sit down i get to see her in even better view, the afternoon sun shines through the open window and illuminates her gorgeous hazel eyes my breath catches in my throat at the sight of her.

Tony introduces me as she looks up as if for the first time, her eyes widen and suddenly i blink and her hair is not longer messy but in a neat bun on top of her head, i'm taken aback by the sudden hair change that I didn't even see and i think Tony notices my confusion as he leans in and murmurs "she also controls time"

I know this may have just been our first official meeting but there's something incredible about that girl.

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now