chapter 1

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*your pov*


"y/n wake up"

You hear Thor's familiar voice as he gently shakes you awake. You groan "ugh what time is it?"

"2:00pm Toni's called an emergency meeting you need to get up" Thor says with a chuckle

Reluctantly you slink out from under your sheets put on some clean sweat shorts, a hoodie and wearily force your feet into your slippers. Your hair is still in the messy bun you slept in although it now hangs precariously on the side of your head daring to roll off at any minute. You don't care however as the avengers are just your room mates and have seen you looking far worse.

You step out of the warmth of your bedroom and into the cold hallway, you trudge down into the kitchen and you can see everyone gathering in the living room.

"Good Morning y/n" Steve jokes

"Yes glad you could join us" Tony remarks

You don't even bother looking just dismissively give them a wave as you open the cereal cupboard, seconds later a box of cocoa pops are floating down from the cupboard and are pouring you a large bowl of cocoa pops without you even touching anything, the milk is also being poured, as this is happening Tony is beginning the meeting.

"So as I said earlier, I think this team is missing something.....y/n will you please hurry up"

"yeah yeah sorry whatever" you say casually putting the spoon into your bowl and heading over the couches where everyone else was congregating. Still yet to look up you begin to devour your cereal.

"So anyway as I was saying, I think this team is missing something and I believe I've found it... so say hello to Peter Parker" Tony announces

You finally look up and realise that the whole time a boy around your age had been stood there and had just witnessed your whole hot mess. He's gorgeous, his curls fall perfectly over his face and his deep brown eyes lose you in a trance. You're suddenly very aware of your current state and immediately
regret not putting a tiny bit more effort into your appearance before you left the comforts of your bedroom.You quickly pause time and take a second to re-tie your hair at least and wipe the chocolate milk off your face with the hem of your t-shirt. You unpause and offer your hand out to peter "Hi my name's y/n" you say sheepishly. As peter takes your hand and shakes it you blush causing Natasha to shoot you a look across the room.

"Hi i'm peter, nice to meet you y/n"

you smirk as you sink back into the armchair you were sat so comfortably in. You take one more glance at Peter and butterflies swarm into your stomach, you force them away because you do NOT like peter parker!!

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now