Chapter 12

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y/n's pov


Ugh why do I do this to myself, I mean seriously Peter is just the most amazing guy, he's funny and kind and have I mentioned how attractive he is. But my stupid stupid past won't let me get close to anyone. I decide to take a nice long shower to wash away the memories from today. I let the hot water and bubbles run over me, It's not until I'm washing my arms I notice it, it's in such an ordinary position it could be from anything really, that doesn't stop how anxious I'm getting, as I see a fresh blue-black bruise painted beautifully on my arm, knowing that this is my second symptom today I leap out of the shower I attempt to dry myself off but I'm struggling to see anything through the tears falling rapidly down my face.

I'm sobbing, my breath is getting faster, I can feel my heart beating quicker and quicker in my chest, my palms get sweaty as I quickly shove on some sweat pants and a sweater, my vision is getting blurred and I feel sick. I know what's happening, it's no secret I've been off my anti-anxiety medication for a little while now but I've had it under really good control. The world is spinning and I cant get my heart to slow down my breathing is getting ever faster and heavier, I knew it was only moments before I would pass out. I race down the hallway looking drunk I can hardly walk in a straight line, tears are still streaming down my face and I can't get my hands to stop shaking, my entire body feels like jelly. 

I make it to the living room despite the disorientation and I see Cap, Nat, Thor and Tony all standing there with worried looks on their faces.

"y/n what's wrong?" Tony says anxiously 

"I-I don't k-know, I should've listened to you Tony, I've been off the meds and now I think it's happening again" I say through the tears 

"Take deep breaths y/n it'll be oka-" cap says calmly meanwhile Thor is slowly walking behind me 

"No it won't! Everything's going wrong, I-I can't do it again!" 

"Do what again?" Tony asks sounding evermore concerned 

"Hey is everything alright out here?" I hear Peter say behind me

At that moment I pass out and fall carefully into Thor's arms who had been stood behind me anticipating this to happen 


Writer's pov:


"Shit, is y/n okay?" Peter yells 

"Fine kid, just fine go back to your room" Tony commands 

"No I want to know if she's okay" 

"I'm telling you kid we've got this, nothing we haven't dealt with before" he says as Peter reluctantly returns to his bedroom 

"Guys that was bad" Nat says 

"I know that was the worst she's ever been" Thor says while picking her up and putting her in the recovery position

"I know, it was awful she looked so worried and upset" Cap says concerned 

"And what did she mean by I can't do it again?" tony queries "do what again?"

"Maybe she just meant like go through her panic attack again because she has had quite a lot before" Nat says 

"But none as bad as that" Cap says 

"I'm really worried about her" Nat says 

"We all are, She won't go to school tomorrow and that way we can keep an eye on her and make sure she's taking her meds" Tony says

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