Chapter 30

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Authors pov


"Well?" Nat asks, everyone clearly growing impatient 

"Hand me a shot" Is all y/n can manage 

"What? No y/n what did the doctor say?" Peter asks but before anyone can say anything, Steve is putting a shot of tequila (her favourite) in her hand. He's knows her too well, he knows she needs this and soon all of her thinking will become clear. Despite his desperation to know, he knows that this will work. He watches her take it from him, she's still not making eye contact with anyone, he watches her throw her head back and down the shot not even flinching just snapping out of whatever trance she's in as she finally looks up making eye contact with Steve 

"I've not got cancer" She says her body still frozen as she's still sure she heard the doctor wrong, but no all he said was that her iron levels are seriously low so he's prescribing her some iron tablets an her white blood cell count is much lower than he'd like so he's prescribing more medication for that and the nose bleeds are a result of this so all in all she was just being careless but otherwise she's fine? She's fine. She continues to repeat this statement in her head still completely in shock. Finally she smiles "I've not got cancer!" She almost exclaims this time and she throws herself into Peter's arms he almost flinches in shock at such a public display of affection it wasn't really like her but he's not going to complain. She's not got cancer Peter sighs into her hair feeling the most relieved he ever has. She grips onto him tightly, content in the knowledge that she has just been granted the opportunity to do it as much as she likes. 

"I love you" He whispers in her ear only loud enough for her to hear and her heart soars because finally she's letting herself love again she's allowing someone else behind her walls and she couldn't be happier in this moment 

"Lets go have sex" she replies.

The end 

AN: Sorry if the ending was shit I had no idea how to finish it lol hope you enjoyed:)

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