Chapter 8

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Peters pov


I wake up the next morning after the most incredible kiss in the world I mean seriously that kiss would win an oscar if it could. My head is in the clouds, my stomach is filled with butterflies, but now I've got to put my game face on. This is my first official mission as an avenger it's 7:00am I'm up bright and early ready to take y/n to Midtown tech, we first need to find out who this teacher is then gather information on them and on top of it I get to spend way more time with y/n which is always a huge bonus in my eyes.

I walk out into the kitchen and am greeted a very amused looking Steve Rodgers. He raises his eyebrows at me over his coffee cup. 

"Soooo, Peter. I heard about what happened yesterday with y/n" he says all too gleefully 

"Oh yeah, haha, that was so embarrassing when Natasha walked in"

"So are you two together?" he queries 

"Ummm y- no I-I I don't know honestly" I say awkwardly "Actually have you seen y/n yet this morning?" 

"y/n?? no she'll just stop time and sleep for as long as possible then will skip forward to when you guys are ready to go, that's what she always does, hence why she stays up so much later than all of us because she can sleep whenever she wants without affecting the timeline" he shrugs

"That is SO cool!!" I exclaim 

"haha sure is kid." Cap chuckles "But on a serious note, if you hurt y/n, I will hurt you harder, okay?" 

"yep, yes completely understood sir, but just to let you know I have no intention of hurting her" 

"Good, because you  know about her past right?" 

"No, I keep hearing about this what happened to her?"

"You can stop talking about me now boys" y/n says staring playful daggers at Steve. All the while a bowl of cereal is being made beside me all on it's own 

"I'm surprised you're up so early y/n" Steve says

"I thought we could go over some of our last minute plans over breakfast?" y/n says to me

"OoOooOoOO" Steve sings childishly "Is that just code for making out in your room y/n?"

My ears turn pink with embarrassment 

"Steve!! No we're not animals. God I can't believe you know now, you haven't told anyone have you?" 

"No! Nat told me not to, but I'm planning on telling thor today when you're at school making out in the broom closet"he teases 

"Shutup!!" she throws a bread roll at him with her mind "And fine, you can tell Thor but no one else can know!!" 

"Fine but only because I don't another bread roll in my face" Steve smirks 

"Oh shoot, y/n we need to go if we're gonna catch the bus on time" i say 

"ugh i still can't believe i have to go to school" she says rolling her eyes

"oh, come on you'll love it" i say slipping my hand into hers on the way out the door 

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now