Chapter 9

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Your pov


Midtown tech is much bigger than I expected, bright blue lockers line the lengths of the corridor. Once I've officially enrolled Peter shows me to my lockers which coincidentally is right next to his (that was definitely the work of a stark) as Peter's helping me fill up my locker a figure appears behind Peter.

"Join me and together, we can build my new lego-"

"Shhh Ned" peter says hurriedly trying to shut him up 

"Ahhh the famous Ned, I've heard so much about you" I say 

"Ned this is y/n, y/n this is Ned" peter announces

Ned's jaw drops "You were right Peter she really is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"

I blush and turn to look at peter with a raised eyebrow 

"heh let's get you to class" peter says awkwardly 

We're both in the same class of course, we're searching for a teacher with 'shaggy long brown hair' an 'untamed beard' and 'small spectacles' this was the description given to us by Tony. It's chemistry first period and Peter astounds me with his knowledge, I mean I knew he was smart but the teacher doesn't even finish writing the question before he's already answered. The confidence he gets when he clearly knows the answer is honestly so attractive.

The bell rings and me and Peter get up and start packing up our things to go to our next class

"so whats next?" i ask Peter 

"haha lunch"

"ugh I can't be bothered I just want to get on with the mission and spend as little time here as possible" I sigh 

"Do you not like school?" peter asks shooting me an alarmed face 

"I don't go to school" i chuckle 

"What?? Why? Isn't that like illegal?" 

"I guess but basically when Tony found me and took me in all those years ago we decided that after my previous experiences at school it would just be better if I was tutored at stark tower instead" I look nervously at my feet 

"And what were your last experiences at school?" He looks concerned 

"Honestly it doesn't matter" I smile weakly "let's go I bet you're starving" I hurry out of the room ignoring him call after me


After school Peter and I walk home together in an awkward silence. I feel bad about what happened at lunch I mean I went and hid in the girls bathroom for the rest of lunch I felt so guilty.

"look-" I wanted to be the first to break the silence, peter looks up interested "I'm sorry about what happened at lunch"

"honestly it's fin-" I cut him off 

"No it's not fine, you were just being kind and like always I shut you out for no reason, I let my stupid trust issues get in the way of what was actually just about to be a real and honest conversation" 

"No I get it, I shouldn't have pried" 

"You didn't honestly it's fine I just have a hard-time opening up to people, especially when it comes to my past and i'm sorry"

"It's okay really, I hope you know you can trust me if you do decide to tell me about your past you know" he says warmly 

"I know, thank you Peter you're a really good person" I smile

"You too" he chuckles 

we laugh and talk all the way home, at one point our hands brushed eachother sending sparks up my arm, we looked at eachother awkwardly and just laughed it off, but I couldn't stop thinking about it; the soft skin on his hands, the way his arm contracted when we touched flexing his bulging muscles and the way he looked at me with those gorgeous deep brown eyes and a smile so warm it could melt snow.

Jesus... maybe I do like him

When we get back to the tower I immediately sprint to my room, I fall back into the comfort of my bed and just smile excitedly like a child on Christmas, accepting my feelings felt so good until i felt something wet fall from my nose...

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