Chapter 15

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y/n's pov


I wake up around 11 o'clock I know I've been excused from school today so I've given myself a lazy morning. I pull my legs out of bed and sit on the edge of my mattress I look down and see my legs speckled sporadically with bruises I go to my bathroom and begin brushing my teeth and drop my toothbrush in shock when I see myself in the mirror, my arms are coated in dark blue-black bruises and to make matters worse my neck is dotted with hickeys. I get a very high coverage foundation and manage to cover the hickeys very nicely. I then step into some sweatpants and pull a hoodie over my head, I pull some fluffy socks over my feet to disguise the bruise forming on my ankle, I wear my hair down to conceal any rogue hickeys I may have missed although looking in the mirror now it's as though they were never there.

I take one last look in the mirror, gargle some mouthwash and step out into the hall way, when I reach the kitchen I'm met by a whole welcome wagon of people, Nat, Cap, Thor and tony all sit on the stools at the kitchen counter, reminding me of how just last night Peter had me pinned against that very counter which makes my stomach turn with excitement. 

"Morning y/n" Thor sings

"Wow quite the turn out this morning guys what's the occasion?"I ask, Tony pulls out a bag clearly marked from the pharmacy my face falls "right"

"Sorry to make such a big deal about it y/n but from now on we're going to keep an eye on you to make sure you're taking these we're worried about you" tony says sympathetically 

"Why on earth are you worried about me? I'm fine" I say knowing it's a complete lie thinking back to the sights in my bathroom this morning 

"We were all there last night y/n, it was bad and you know it" Nat says

"Yeah I know but that was just me being dramatic last night" I laugh nervously 

"Y/n you're a good actor but not even Meryl Streep could've pulled off a performance that good" Cap says with concern on his face 

"Okay fine it was bad but it's okay now because I'll get back on these handy dandy pills" I say waving the bag around "and I will be right as rain" I say sarcastically 

"Okay then take them" Thor says leaning on the counter

"Well I-err" I say nervously scratching the back of my neck 

"It's okay y/n we're all here" Tony says sliding a glass of water and two pills across the counter to me

"Fine" I say and reluctantly I swallow one 

"Okay now the other" Nat says reassuringly 

I hold the pill in my hand and put it on my tongue, I take a gulp of water and swallow it as a tear rolls down my cheek "there done and dusted" I say wiping the tear from my eye avoiding everyone's eye line "I think I'm just going to get in the shower now" I say still staring at the floor 

"Are you not going to have breakfast?" Cap asks

"lost my appetite" I murmur walking away 

"wait" Tony calls which makes me turn around "we're all really proud of you y/n" which makes my eyes fill with tears I just nod and disappear down the hall way 

I get to my bathroom and throw my clothes on the floor and look over my naked body in the mirror I trace my thumb over the first bruise on my leg, the same one Peter did last night and reminisce on the events that took place last night I look over all the bruises and begin to cry knowing what this all means...

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