Chapter 25

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Peter's pov



shit shit shit 

She regrets it. 

When I woke up she was gone, nobody sneaks out the morning after unless they think it's a mistake. Should I go apologise? No. That makes it seem like I regret it which I definitely don't. 

What about Mr Stark he's going to kill me when he finds out that we slept together. He always says this is strictly professional and we disobeyed one of his only rules. Plus he's so protective of y/n she's like a daughter to him and oh my God could you imagine if Cap found out he's even more protective he'd probably punch me right then. I really do not want to get punched by Captain America today. 

I should talk to her right? But I don't want to seem clingy especially if she regrets it. Also I'd hate to overwhelm her, especially considering the last couple days she's had. 

I get dressed and head into the kitchen to get some breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see Thor sat at the kitchen island he looks over and raises his eyebrows with a cheeky smirk. shit. he knows. I sigh and flash him an awkward smile. I pour the last from the coffee pot and lean against the kitchen island. 

"So... you and y/n huh?" Thor says chuckling 

"heh- not really i--" I say stammering not knowing what to day next 

"ohhhh you haven't had that  talk yet?" Thor asks like he read my mind 

"no, not yet. And I'd really appreciate it if you could maybe not mention any of this to Tony?" 

"Your secrets safe with me" he says with a smirk before walking off 

I'm left alone again in the kitchen but not for long because suddenly tony bursts into the room and I flinch when I see him afraid he's found out and I almost expect  punch at any second.But instead he yells "CONFERENCE ROOM NOW" and my heart drops. Is he seriously going to announce that me and y/n broke his only rule in front of everyone? this is going to be humiliating. I reluctantly walk into the conference room fearing for my life. Half of the team is already there and some of them are still trickling in, I take a seat looking around for y/n. Everyone arrives but y/n and I stare desperately out of the glass conference room walls searching for her but there's no sign. 

"Is she always sleeping or what?" Tony says angrily 

"I'll get her" Cap says rising from his chair 

A few moments later he returns accompanied by a very tired looking y/n. I try to get her to look at me but she's quite obviously avoiding my eye contact, I feel awful. 

"Jesus Tony I was sleeping, whatever this is about can you get it over with?" she says wearily, Holy shit even though she woke up 2 minutes ago and her hair is in a pile on her head and she's still wearing her pyjamas she is absolutely the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. 

"well..." Tony begins and I hold my breath anticipating him to begin shouting at us "we are having a party tonight" 

"what?" almost everybody says collectively 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" y/n yells angrily 

"what?" Tony says in confusion 

"You woke me up for this?" she says completely bewildered 

"Oh stop y/n this is good news aren't you excited about a party?"

"I mean I didn't say that but I mea- what time is this happening?" she asks 

"guests will start arriving at 9pm" 

"Might I ask why we're having this party?" Nat queries 

"Why not?" Tony says smiling and glancing a look over at y/n, I try to catch her attention and she meets my eye for split second before she looks away 


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