Chapter 18

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y/n's pov


I've been home for a couple hours I just told Tony my anxiety got bad at school and he was fine with me skipping the afternoon. We're all sat down on the sofas chatting and laughing when Peter comes home 

"oh hey" I call looking behind me "how was the rest of your day" I ask him 

"Pretty boring honestly, lessons are way more interesting with you" he smiles

"Hey Peter stop that flirting you know the rules this is all very strictly professional" Tony says making me shoot a glace at Peter and smirk knowing full well mine and peter's relationship has crossed the professional boundaries 

"Sorry sir" he says smirking at me "Oh y/n are you alright now?" Peter asks making my face fall and my heart drop 

"What do you mean what happened?" Cap asks 

"Oh err right because I cut the afternoon right?" I say praying Peter will play along but stupidly I forgot to tell him not to tell Tony 

"No I mean because you had a nose bleed remember heh" he says and I look at the floor feeling everyone's eyes on me "You should've seen it, it was like a lot a blood" 

"I'm sorry what?!" Nat yells

"Y/n what the hell" Thor says 

"How long has this been happening?!!" Tony shouts as I continue to stare at the floor praying it will swallow me whole 

"Erm i-er Peter could you please give us a second" He shoots us all a very confused and slightly hurt look 

"sure whatever" he says walking down the hall 

"How long y/n??!!" Tony yells standing up making everyone stand up around me 

"Err I don't really know a few weeks? maybe- err" I say nervously 

"Maybe what?!" Cap asks raising his voice 

"Stop yelling please!!" I shout standing up and walking back a few steps away from the sofa "Maybe a month honestly" I say

"A MONTH?!" Tony yells 

"Seriously y/n why didn't you tell us?" Thor asks hurt 

"I-i I don't know honestly" I say knowing full well exactly why 

"Have you got any other symptoms?" Nat queries 

"err I-err-" I get cut of by cap striding quickly over to me and rolling up one of my sleeves "no please don't-" I beg but it's too late my arms are now exposed as tears form in my eyes. 

Cap's face drops and Nat sits down and puts her head in her hands, Tony looks at me an then at the bruises almost unable to process the information his eyes fill with tears and Thor just stares in disbelief 

"Are you guys happy now we all know I'm a freak again?" I say as a tear spills down my face but I quickly wipe it away 

"Y/n we need to get you to a hospital now" tony says shifting his gaze to the floor unable to look me in the eye. I pull my sleeves down aggressively as more tears 

"look I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but everything was going so well I just I-" I say trailing off 

"What y/n what? you just.... forgot to mention that you're showing symptoms of a freaking CANCER RELAPSE?!" Cap yells he looks so hurt 

"what the fuc-" I hear Peter behind me 

"Shit no Peter you weren't supposed to hear that" I say falling back onto the couch and putting my face in my hands and sobbing gently. I feel a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back

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