Chapter 4

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Peters Pov


I can't lie when Tony said I'd get to work with y/n I got butterflies in my stomach. I'm really excited to get to know her better she seems really cool.


It's around 9:00pm it's my first night in the stark tower, i'm honestly just more bored than anything. I've been texting Ned who is sooo jealous that i get to live in the stark tower for a while. I already face timed him and showed him my room, which is honestly bigger than the apartment May and I live in, however i'm not allowed to show him any more of the tower Tony says i'd be breaking the rules. A couple minutes goes by when I hear a loud knock on my bedroom door, startled i jump out of bed and approach the door. However who's on the other side i was not expecting. Steve Rodgers stands there in a button-down shirt and jeans. He puffs out his chest and exclaims "Come on man you're missing the party" as I stick my head out the door i start hearing the blaring music, it sounds pretty loud which makes me confused why I couldn't hear it before, but then i remember all of the walls are completely soundproof which i'm pretty happy about considering the fact i'm next door to Bruce and Natasha;)

I smile back at Steve and close the door, I slip into some jeans I try on this t-shirt but it doesn't work with the jeans, suddenly i'm having a full blown outfit crisis. I'm on my sixth shirt staring into the mirror and I still hate it. I pull it off over my head and turn around to pick something else when the door swings open and y/n is stood there eyes wide. She takes a quick glace at me, making me feel suddenly very self-conscious especially considering i know she's seen the other avengers without a shirt on and is probably underwhelmed by the sight of me in comparison.

"Oh my God, i-i'm s-so sorry" She exclaims, her cheeks flush bright red and she turns her head and covers her eyes with her hands.

"No no honestly don't worry about it, it's okay" i say, hurriedly reaching for the nearest shirt and swiftly putting it on

"No really I should've knocked, i'm so sorry" she says again

"It's really okay, honest mistake i know. You can turn around now" i laugh

She smirks sheepishly and removes her hand from her eyes and slowly turns back to me.

"So what did you need anyway?" I ask nervously

"I was just coming to see if you were joining the party" she smiled, this is when i noticed she was wearing this mini dress and some fluffy socks which made me smile. This dress was a dark green and hugged her incredible curves. She had this amazing stealth body that had been concealed by the baggy pyjamas the first time we met.

"Yeah, I was about to come out I just couldn't decide what shirt to wear" I say rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly

"I like the one you've got on" she says "now come on you're missing the fun!!" She grabs my hand sending electricity up my arm, as she drags me down the hall and downstairs to what looked like another living room except with a bar in it.

Y/n lets go of my hand and walks over to Natasha and Steve and starts mingling with all the guests. There's so many people here I have never even seen before. Clint and Thor approach me both being almost a foot taller than me I have to straighten my posture and stick my chest out a bit to make up for what i'm lacking in height.

We all start talking for what seems like only five minutes but then when I check the time we've been talking for almost an hour and we've been getting along really well.

As the night winds down all of the guests have left and there is just the residents of the tower sat on the couches talking and laughing and sharing experiences from the night. Y/n stumbles in her hair back in the familiar messy bun and she has replaced the tight mini dress with sweatpants and a cropped vest top (which just so happened to be low-cut might i add). Jesus if i thought she looked good tonight in her dress, i really did have another thing coming because right now she honestly looks the prettiest of all. She flops on the sofa and throws her legs on Steve's lap who starts absentmindedly gently stroking her shin very innocently. I feel this sudden jealousy come over me and I had to look away. I was confused why I felt this way after all we were just coworkers.

"I'm gonna hit the hay, I suggest you all do the same, It's getting late" Tony announced as he stood up and began to walk down the corridor. The others started following and saying goodnight as they walked away and before I even knew it, it was just me and y/n sat around the coffee table. I stand up about to walk away "goodnight then I guess" I say to y/n with a smile.

"Wait-" she says "Do you like whiskey?"

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