Chapter 13

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Peter's pov 


I can't sleep. I'm tossing and turning just thinking about y/n not just thinking but worrying. I mean I watched her pass out, I saw the fear in her eyes before it happened her tear-stained face is burned into my memory and then when I came back she was what? fine? she just acted like nothing had happened and the others they were acting like what happened was just a standard everyday thing, they all looked worried though right before I left, it was like as soon as y/n passed out that they let their true feelings show, they looked so calm and collected when I first came out my room then as soon as she passed out their eyes turned dark and the whole atmosphere changed they looked so experienced on it though as though this has happened a lot before. Has it happened a lot before? what is it? what even happened? why did she pass out? did she have a panic attack? why did she have a panic attack? was it because of me? was it because of this mysterious past of hers that everybody seemingly knows?

So many questions and so many secrets, my head is full and I can't silence my thoughts it's too loud for me to sleep so I quietly head into the kitchen. I've just got sweatpants on but I figure it's fine because everyone's asleep, I turn the corner at the end of the hall and see y/n sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal. Jesus she is gorgeous even in the harsh kitchen light she looks good it simply illuminates her beauty her dark brown hair is in a huge messy bun and shes wearing a large sweater and shorts.

"hey what are you doing up?" she asks 

"couldn't sleep" i smile "you?" 


"hey are you okay I'm not really sure what happened earlier but it certainly didn't look fun heh" I say grabbing a glass of water

"yeah I'm fine now thanks for asking" 

"what did happen before if you don't mind me asking?" i ask nervously 

"I erm I had a panic attack and passed out" 

"Oh god y/n I'm so sorry that must've been awful" i say standing in front of her 

"yeah I mean I've had them before but that one was particularly rough heh" she smiles weakly "oh and Peter I want to apologise" 

"for what?" I ask confused 

"For all the secrets I mean you're a really good guy you know and I really want to tell you everything but it's just hard for me you know"

"yeah no of course whenever you feel comfortable I want you to know you can trust me"

"yeah thankyou" she says her eyes wandering down my chest making me suddenly regret not putting a shirt on 

"hey what's that?" I ask pointing to a large bruise on her leg, her eyes go wide

"Oh i-erm I'm so clumsy I dropped on of the weights from the training room on it the other day heh" she says nervously 

"oh right, that looks painful" i say tracing my thumb softly over the bruise making her shiver which I liked

"yeah silly me" she says looking me up and down before staring into my eyes "well er I should probabl-" I cut her off by grabbing the back of her neck bringing my lips to hers, she runs her hands over my exposed stomach and then trails her fingers up and down my back. The kiss is passionate and needy, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me as I lift her onto the kitchen counter without breaking from the kiss once, this is incredible I feel electricity running between us, my hands cup the sides of her face and she pulls away for a second to catch her breath we smile and look at each other our noses pressed against each other before our lips crash together again, we regain our rhythm as I break from the kiss to kiss along her jaw line and down her neck as she scratches up and down my back as though she never wants this to stop and neither do I, my hands trail over her ass and she brings my face back up to hers to continue the kiss she kisses me passionately occasionally slipping her tongue past my teeth, I pick her up with her legs wrapped around my waist and my hands on her ass we continue the kiss as I carry her to my bedroom...

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