Chapter 26

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y/n's pov


A party seriously??

don't get me wrong I'm never one to back away from a good dance but still it just seems so weird. I mean we all know why he's holding this party it's a we're scared you might drop dead any second so we want to enjoy whatever time we have left with you kind of party which I mean honestly I'm fine with. I still haven't heard anything from the doctor and it is driving me crazy, it's all I can think about... well that and the fact that me and Peter still haven't spoken since last night. He's such a stickler for the rules I just know that he probably regrets it, I man the last thing he would want is to be on Tony's bad side, although i do feel bad for leaving so early this morning. But I didn't want him to feel obliged to entertain me because he's too polite to kick him out. Honestly I think he's happy that I did it. Probably a relief, right?

I'm pacing the length of my room and my phone is face down on the bed, it takes everything in me to not check it but I can't help it. I have my phone on full volume so I know that nothing has been sent to me but still I can't help it, I pick it up and check it. Nothing. I throw it back on the bed and bite my nails, continuing to walk the length of my bedroom I stare so intensely at my phone as though that will magically make my doctor call. I pick it up again. Nothing. Ugh, I need a distraction i'm driving myself crazy. 

I decide to have a shower, I will have a nice long shower to hopefully wash away the craziness of the last 48 hours and also make me smell nice for the party later. I turn the shower on and take off my clothes revealing my body covered in bruises some of which are thankfully beginning to fade, I remember my shampoo and conditioner on in my nightstand s I wrap myself in a towel and head out, when I leave the room I met by peter sat on my bed 

"Woah?!" I exclaim extremely confused as to why he's here "What the fuck are you doing here?" I say pulling a tighter grip on my towel, despite the fact he saw me naked last night who knows if he's want to see that again 

"Oh my god I am so sorry I had no idea you were even in here I thought you were out so I figured I'd just wait for you to get back because we need to talk" he says as he glances at me up and down and when he meets my eyes again his ear turn pink and I begin to regret choosing such a small towel to wrap up in, I mean this is hardly covering everything. 

"Okay you know what you're right" I say just wanting to get it over and done with "Let's talk" 

"But aren't you about to shower?" he asks, good question. 

"Well yes but I didn't realise this was going to take that long" I say 

"Well true I suppose not" he says shuffling on the bed " want to sit?" he asks 

"I better not" I say gesturing to my poor choice in towel lengths

"right yeah heh" he says laughing awkwardly "so-" 

"I'm really sorry about sneaking out" I interrupt 

"Oh-" he's taken back by the sudden escalation of the conversation "don't worry about it, I was just wondering why?" he asks sheepishly 

"I don't kno- I- I didn't want you to feel awkward about having to kick me out, you know I just didn't want you to feel obliged to like I don't know entertain me?" I say nervously 

"I kind of feel like I did that last night" he says and I burst out laughing 

"You definitely did" 

"I did?" he asks 

"yes, it was amazing" I say and immediately regretting it

"so you didn't regret it?" 

"What? no, I thought you did" and I suddenly realise there's been a biggg miscommunication

"No not at all it was great" 

"wow really? I said it was amazing?" I say smiling 

"It was better than amazing" he says standing up and taking a step towards me " It was incredible" he says taking another step" "It was mind-blowing" he says completely closing the gap between us so our noses are practically touching "it was..."he says leaning to my ear and whispering "passionate" he says in an almost growl and I can't resist anymore, I grab his face and we fall into our familiar rhythm it's deep and intense and I feel like I'm trapped in a trance in this kiss. He pushes me back against the wall and I take off his shirt. He pulls back to catch his breath and he looks me up and down. He gently pulls at the top of my towel and the whole thing unravels and drops to the floor so I am stood completely naked and I instinctively move my arms behind my back to cover the bruises. He looks at me with sad eyes and gently pulls my arms out from where they are hidden "you never have to hide from me" he looks deeply into my eyes then kisses one of the bruises on my wrist then on my forearm and he goes along kissing every bruise along my arm up onto my shoulder, planting soft but firm kisses on each bruise across my collarbone and down to my chest and across my breasts making me shiver under his touch. he looks up at me and smirks. 

He picks me up, I wrap my  legs around him never wanting to let go. He opens the door to my bathroom which is now full of steam from the shower running for so long and he carries me beneath the water. I feel the nice hot water pour over me as I remove the last of Peter's clothes. He pins me against the shower wall with the water still pouring over us and I can't help but internally remind myself to thank Tony for my incredible walk-in shower... 

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