Chapter 27

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y/n's pov



so, he didn't regret it I guess. I smile to myself remembering our slippery bodies tangled together as more water poured over us, our kisses wet and sweet.

It's an hour until the party and I'm helping Cap with decorations. "so erm, y/n any word from the doctor?" he asks almost reminding me as though I've been able to think of anything else

"Not yet and honestly it's driving me crazy" I say forcing a smile 

"That makes two of us" and i feel a stab of guilt at his words. I wouldn't wish this feeling in my worst enemy. I'm about to open my mouth and lighten the mood with some funny anecdote when Wanda appears in the room breaking the awkward silence that has settled between us

"Y/n me and Nat are getting ready do you wanna join us?" She asks smiling brightly 

"Sounds perfect" I say following her out the room I steal a glance behind me and catch Steve sitting down and putting his head in his hands with a pained look on his face and I can't help but feel nauseous from causing such pain. 

"So girls what are we all wearing tonight?" Nat asks moving over to her closet 

"I can't decide between the blue or the red" Wanda says holding up two equally gorgeous dresses both made with the finest crimson and navy silks

"I think the red might compliment your complexion better" Nat says "although I am partial to the cleavage that is shown on the blue one" we all laugh and Wanda looks between the two weighing up her options 

"Blue it is" she says with assurance and we all let out a giggle 

"y/n what are you wearing?" Nat queries 

"Oh god I hadn't even thought about it, I don't even think I own a dress" i say smiling sheepishly 

"That's okay you can borrow one of mine" Nat says "Okay so..." her voice is muffled as she's rummaging through her closet "wait" she sticks her head out the door "are you trying to impress anyone tonight?" 

"well er- i don't kn- mayb-" I say stammering not really knowing what to do 

"OH MY GOD!!" Wanda yells giddily 

"WHO?!" Nat shrieks skipping over the bed where I'm sat and I immediately regret everything 

"No, no one it's jus-" I'm interrupted by Nat 

"Oh my god it's Peter" is she a fucking mind reader how did she get that?

"What how did you know?" I ask bewildered 

"So it's true?!" Wanda asks shocked 

"well yeah" I say nervously, I can't help the smile that creeps onto my face 

"I knew it! are you guys together?" Nat asks 

"No no, we've just slept together" I say not really knowing what our status is 

"WHAT??" Nat yells leaping up from the bed in shock 

"Twice" I say feeling my face go red

"DOES TONY KNOW??" Wanda yells giggling excitedly 

"no of course not and it's going to stay that way right?" I say "This stays between us okay?" 

"Your secrets safe with me" Nat says smirking 

"My lips are sealed" Wanda says throwing away an imaginary key "who else knows?" 

"Just Thor because he saw me sneaking out of Peter's room" I reply 

"So you haven't told Steve?" Nat asks 

"No he would freak out I can't even imagine how he'd react" 

"I can't believe this" Wanda says jumping giddily 

"Well in this case i know exactly which dress you need" Nat says smirking mischievously and disappearing into her closet 


"Are you sure this isn't too much?" I ask being pushed down the stairs by Nat and Wanda 

"You look incredible y/n" Wanda replies and Nat nods aggressively in agreement beside her, I ended up in the classic little black dress I finally understand why it's called little, there is hardly enough fabric here, it has a dangerously low v-cut with a beautiful halter neck. the elastic fabric hugs my curves and my long legs are put rightfully on display, I can't deny I look good. Despite the fact I spent most of my getting ready time, locked in the bathroom covering my bruises with very high coverage foundation, I just didn't want to draw anymore attention to myself than I already am in this dress and anyhow tonight is all about having fun because who knows when my doctor could call and tell me I have a month left to live and it's safe to say my bruises are just a constant harbinger of sadness that people do not need tonight, and besides there's going to be many other guests here tonight most of which have no idea i ever even had cancer so there's a few conversations I would love to avoid. 

As we continue down the stairs all eyes swiftly turn to us, the avengers three most eligible bachelorettes although I think we're all slightly involved with someone. I catch Peters eye from across the room and shoot him a small smile, although even though he's so far away I can tell that my mouth is not what he's looking at. he is staring me up and down and my stomach flips a few hundred times in response. 

Then I catch Tony staring and swiftly look away from Peter not wanting to give anything away, I check my phone again. nothing. ahhh this is driving me crazy!! Nat spots me checking my phone and takes it off me

"Don't think about this tonight just enjoy yourself" she says with a smile "you'll get this back at the end of the night"she says with a wink, tucking my phone into her purse

You know what? she's right I just need to enjoy myself I mean who knows what the doctor will say, I might not get many more nights like this so I better enjoy it while I can. 

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now