Chapter 11

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Peter's pov


I was honestly shocked when y/n said yes to my invitation but here we are. She clearly paused time to change as I blinked and she was in a completely different outfit. She was wearing an oversized Nike sweater with a collar underneath and just some black leggings which I can't lie made her....legs.... look incredible. 

We head out the door and into the cold night, the moonlight shines onto y/n's face and illuminates her gorgeous eyes and clear skin and for a moment I can't breathe. She's so stunning it makes me angry that she only sees us as coworkers. It's weird though, it must just be the light from the street lamps but I could've sworn the skin around her nose was red but I shook it off as the lighting. 

We've been walking and laughing for over an hour now it's just so easy and comfortable I love it, as we're walking our hands brush sending shivers up my arm and makes me tense so I take this opportunity to be bold, I grab her hand which is icy from the winter night, at first she tenses up but then she relaxes and lets it happen we shoot each other warm smile and awkwardly look away again. 

"Soooo how long have you been living with Stark?" I ask hoping to finally find out more about her

"Coming up on 5 years now why?" she smiles 

"Just wondering, so when did you move in?" 

"Haha when I was 12 why so many questions?" she laughs 

"Just want to get to know you a bit better" i say nervously 

"Okayyyyy any particular reason?" she queries 

"I don't know, I mean, isn't that what friends do, get to know each other?"

"right...friends...yep, go for it then ask away" she says with an element of disappointment in her voice which confuses me

"Okay, why did you move in with Tony when you were 12?"

"Ermmm, ha, have you always lived in Queens orrr?" she says attempting to swiftly chnage the subject which makes me upset in a way I mean she is the most incredible girl in every way and yet she has no trust in me and I just can't seem to get through to her 

"Yep always lived here" I say letting go of her hand in annoyance "I'm getting cold, lets head back?" I know I'm being an ass but I'm sick of all the secrets

"oh...okay sure" she says with a hurt expression on her face which makes me mad at myself for acting out like this but at the same time don't I deserve better?

We get back and I run straight up to my room, she calls after me and just because I'm still feeling moody I ignore her and flop on my bed, moments later I hear her door slam and I feel guilty because she sounds upset. 

I just don't understand all the lies, what is it she wants to keep from me so badly? I mean it feels like everyone else knows so does she just not trust me? 

Co-workers: A Peter Parker fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now