Chapter 2: Meeting Christine

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  The premiere ended up very good. Y/n was really happy. She even got some flowers from guests. After the performance Y/n wanted to go home. But in front of the opera building she met a married couple. The woman stopped her. ,,Wait! You made the costume for the main heroine?" ,,Yes, I did" Y/n answered.  ,,It's actually very good. I myself was a singer here" she said. ,,My name is Christine de Chagny"  Y/n was amazed. That rich woman must be that young singer who just had her performance while the chandelier fell. ,,You probably know my wife as Christine Daae" her husband said. ,,Of course I do!"  Y/n said. ,,I'm so sorry about that what happened on your last performance" she added. Christine smiled. ,,It's alright, my dear. It honestly made us to marry sooner" ,,Is that truth what people said? That under the opera the phantom once lived?" Y/n asked curiously. ,,Oh yes...It is. It was very tough night... He let us go when he realized that I love Raoul. He loved me so he let me go..." Christine answered. ,,I'm happy to hear that" Y/n but inside she was sorry for the phantom. He was probably really in love. ,,He used to come to me through the mirror in my dressing room and teach me to sing" Christine said. ,,But when I refused to marry him he killed innocent people... He was insane but also hurt. I'm sure he died then... I am still pitying him but I'm happy with the way I ended up"  Y/n still felt sorry for the phantom for some reason...

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