Chapter 12: Past isn't dead

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Y/n had to come back up to the opera house. She couldn't risk everyone looking for her. Fortunately no one noticed that she even left. She had a lot of work. She had to make eleven ballet costumes for the new performance. It was a little bit boring but she couldn't wait to see it. She loved to admire the costumes when they've done.
It was Friday. Y/n already had the last three costumes to finish. She wished to finish it until the evening to have a free weekend. It was pleasant afternoon when she was sitting by her sewing machine. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. ,,Come in" Y/n allowed gently. It was Meg. She looked a bit worried. ,,Are you alright?" Y/n asked her caring. ,, He's here" Meg whispered. ,,Who?" Y/n asked. She kind of expected Erik. But unfortunately that wasn't true... ,,Your former boyfriend..." Meg admitted. Y/n was in shock. He was there...her very first love...the man she was weakly seduced by...the bastard who left her and resisted to marry her because of another woman.
She didn't like to see him at all. Her misery came to the door...Yes! It was really him! E/n (E/n = ex's name) was looking at her seriously. ,,E/n..." Y/n whispered in shock.
Meg was forced to let them alone even through she didn't like that because she knew what he has done to poor Y/n. ,,Oh my Y/n....I knew that you'd end up as a slave when I left you" E/n said. Y/n frowned. ,,I'm a dressmaker if you don't see" ,,Well...I came to see you again" he admitted to her after a while. ,,I missed you" he wanted to touch her neck but she put his hand off. ,,Me or my body?!" she asked. Maybe someone would think she was sassy but she couldn't bear to look at him. ,,Oh, come on , Y/n. You don't have a chance to ever get married anymore anyways. You're not a virgin anymore and no one is going to marry you" he seemed to make fun of her. Y/n was getting a rage and began to yell. ,,You bastard!! YOU seduced me!! YOU promised to marry me and ONLY YOU left me like this!! I had only you. But you seem to sleep with every woman you just see!!" E/n couldn't listen to her words. ,,Shut up!" he yelled. ,,No! You don't know anything about true love , E/n! I was an innocent girl and I silly fell in love with you!" Y/n tried not to cry. ,,And if you want to know there's a man I love! Yes, there really is! And I don't ever want to see you anymore!" she suddenly talked about Erik... Only then E/n got shocked. No one else is that much feared like the Opera Ghost....That scared E/n and made him to finally let Y/n go... She fell down on the floor crying. How could her first love be a man like this?!

,, Insolent boy..."

she heard a familiar voice... Erik.

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