Chapter 11: New Aminta

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,,Please..." Y/n whispered again. ,,Just let me try it. I don't ask you for more" she begged. ,,This piece hurts me so much" Erik said. ,,I've written it for the first woman I ever fell in love with... And she denied me... Denied me and betrayed me... " Y/n looked at him even more sad. She saw that he really loved Christine with his whole heart. She wished to give him everything he had missed all these years of his tragic life. ,,Sorry..." she apologized to him. ,,No..." Erik whispered. ,,Don't apologize. I should not be clamped to Christine singing Aminta. I just can't imagine anyone else to do that. It's my fault" Erik blamed himself. Y/n looked at him. ,,Couldn't I at least try it?" she asked shyly. Erik looked down silently. ,,I love her..." he whispered. Y/n felt so pity for him and jealous at the same time. Why couldn't he love her like he loved Christine? What was so special in her? She was sure that he loved her voice. Maybe of he allowed Y/n to sing Aminta in his Don Juan at least once he'd feel a new hope. That was exactly what Erik was afraid of. To fall in love again. He didn't want to suffer more. But he couldn't look at her when she was so disappointed. He sighed.
,,Alright..." he took the sheets for his cursed Don Juan Triumphant and cleaned it from a dust. He sat by the piano and played... He took a deep breath. The duet was even more emotional than when he sang it with Christine. His Point of no return never was more passionate. Maybe because Y/n was finally sure since that day. She was sure that she loved this poor unhappy Erik.

,, We've passed the point of no.... return"

They sang the last lines of the song. Erik couldn't bear it and softly began to cry. Y/n tried to guess what's wrong. But it was sure. He has heard her voice...It made him feel that way when he heard Christine singing for the first time... How tragically he tell in love with her. And how he almost died of starvation and sorrow. But Y/n had something more than Christine had. She actually cared about Erik. She saved his life and came to have a lesson just to cheer him up. She kind of wanted to kiss him. But she couldn't. Not yet. Erik was kissed only once in his tragic life. By Christine when before she left with Raoul. Y/n knew that it wouldn't be right to kiss Erik right at the moment. She decided to give him and herself a little more time. Erik must learn to feel loved...

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