Chapter 5: A New Reason To Live

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Y/n came over to him slowly. He was very skinny... ,,You really should eat something... " she told him. Erik turned back to her. ,,Are you still here?" he asked slowly. ,,I can't go away from here since I know that here is someone who just tries to starve himself to death!" Y/n said a bit angry. Erik looked like he'd like to shout back but he was already too weak. ,,Stop..." he said instead quietly. ,,She never really loved me, you know? Christine... She let me caress her, she was excited by me and she liked it... It was a real passion in her on the Don Juan Triumphant performance.... But it was only lust... She was in deep seductive feeling... But not really in love. I was in love with her... And she obviously wasn't. She was in love with that vicomte... And she is happily married. I don't have a reason to live anymore... I don't even know why I am talking about it" he said. Y/n felt really bad for him. Was his face really that horrible?.... ,,Can I do something for you?" she asked kindly. ,,No... Just go home" he said stubbornly. ,,Damn me! I killed many innocent people... I wanted to own a living person... I've hurt so many souls... I will do the best when I die... " Y/n felt like she really should do something for him even it costs her a job. A human life is more important. ,,She kissed me before she left... She kissed me twice... You know... No one kissed me before. Even my mother. She was afraid of me and hated me with her whole heart... She rather slapped me than to kiss me... And I just can't forget the only person who ever gave some love to me" he added. How a mother can hate her child? Even if my child was ugly deformed I'd love them, Y/n thought. She wasn't afraid of the phantom. She was sorry for Erik. The person that he really was. ,,You really liked my voice?" she asked to cheer him up at least a little. ,,Yes. You are very talented. You should start to sing professionally" Erik said. Y/n got an idea how to save him suddenly. ,,Would you teach me?" she asked. Erik turned back shocked. ,,What?!" ,,If you think that I am talented, you should know that I really want to learn singing again. I was a choir girl once" Y/n said. ,,Really?" he looked like he finally got an interest. ,,Yes. I'd love to have a music teacher" Y/n smiled at him. He really seemed more sympathetic than scary to her. Was it that he was too weak?....

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