Chapter 3: Angel Of Music

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Y/n was sitting in the sewing room and was making a new costume for the ballerina named Meg Giry. Very good girl. She just came when Y/n thought of her. ,,Aren't you bored with sewing, Y/n?" she asked. Y/n smiled at her. ,,No, Meg. Don't worry. But I'm glad you came. I'm a bit lonely here" Meg sat down next to her. ,,I heard singing... Was that your voice?" Y/n blushed. ,,Yes, it was..." Meg smiled. ,,You sing so beautifully" she said. Y/n giggled. She didn't really think that her voice was good. ,,I think the phantom of the opera would like it" Meg joked. Y/n laughed with her. ,,I think he'd die of hearing my singing" she said. ,,He's probably dead. No one heard about him since that horrible night" Meg said. ,,He was in love with Christine, right?" Y/n asked. ,,More than just love. Obsessed... He was ready even to die for her. And he probably did..." Meg said quietly. ,,No one had seen him again... " ,,How could he invite Christine to him when there was no way?" Y/n began to be curious. ,,He made a secret door trough Christine's dressing room. He was dangerously intelligent..." Meg whispered to her. ,,I'm so interested in mystery" Y/n admitted. ,,Since my childhood" ,,Very interesting hobby" Meg giggled. ,,I should go... Talk to you later, Y/n"
When Meg left Y/n had a crazy idea. She was so curious and couldn't sleep at all. She wanted to see the secret door so much. She stood up from her bed and took on her silver robe. She tried to be quiet. She knew where Christine's dressing room was that time but she wasn't sure if the secret door was still there. She came to the dressing room quietly. She felt awkward because it was already a dressing room of someone else. She touched the mirror a bit. Nothing. So that's not truth? Had the phantom really excited? Y/n pushed the mirror a bit. And really..... Long dark corridor... Y/n was afraid. But also very curious. She came in... There was dark and scary atmosphere. When she went on and on the candles were lighting up themselves. It was like a miracle. She heard sounds of an organ... Could be the phantom alive? She was afraid but continued walking.
There was a lake... And a small boat. Y/n didn't have many ways how to move somewhere so she got in. The place was so magical. She finally saw the person playing the organ. He turned back. It was obviously the phantom. His right side of the face was masked.
,,What are you doing here? How did you find the way?" he didn't look angry. He seemed to be confused. ,,Who are you?" Y/n asked decently though she already knew. ,,I am not the same person for everyone... For someone I was the phantom of the opera... For someone the angel of music... "

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