Chapter 25: Christmas day

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Erik wasn't sure where to take Y/n on their honeymoon to surprise her. He thought about some places he visited. He was afraid of Persia and didn't want to think about it. And moreover he promised the sea. So, he seriously though about Italy. The place he spend some time with the traveling fair. He looked at the sketches of the sea he made in there. The nostalgic feeling began to hit him. Then he looked at the calendar. 24th December. ,,How could I forget?!" he was in panic. A Christmas... and he was freshly married and thought only about the honeymoon. He prepared a breakfast and even took on something what would remind of Christmas at least a little bit. He dressed up all in white. He tiptoed to Y/n who still slept. ,,Merry Christmas" he whispered. Y/n opened her eyes and smiled. ,,My Christmas angel" she whispered. ,,All in white and beautiful" she touched Erik's left cheek and then gently unmasked him. ,,Don't" Erik smiled at her. ,,Come with me, my love...I want you to open my present for you" Y/n was so happy. She was so curious what Erik got her. The whole lair was decorated by carol bells and even a Christmas tree made from sheet papers with Erik's music. He handed her a beautifully looking box. Y/n put it on the table carefully and began to unboxing it. Erik looked so excited. She gasped. In the box was delicate and perfectly fitting dress in shining silver colour. It looked like for a princess. ,,Oh my God...Erik! Did you...make this yourself?" She asked. Erik nodded modestly. ,,Merry Christmas, my dearest" he said. Y/n slowly handed him a present she got for him and hoped that it wouldn't look too small after his gift. Erik unboxed it very carefully and saw the most beautiful flute he had ever seen. ,, do you know that I used to play the flute?" he gasped with a happy smile. ,,I didn't know" Y/n giggled. ,,I just know that you're a fast learner and you'll play perfectly" Erik smiled and sat at the piano. He began to play Silent night sensitively. Y/n kept smiling happily and looked at her talented husband. That was the best Christmas day she could ever wish.

Merry Christmas, readers!!



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