Chapter 21: Preparing

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  Y/n ran back to the lair. Erik was sitting by the lake trying to look at his face without disgust. He was trembling as it made him so uncomfortable. How even someone can hate themselves that much?! Y/n slowly tiptoed to him and hugged him from behind. ,,I am sorry, Erik... I am so sorry...You don't deserve such a treatment...Forgive me" she felt terrible. Did she just mentally abused her fiancé and thought she was helping him? She cried in his arms. ,,Don't cry...dear" Erik's honey voice said. He caressed her hair. ,,Everything is alright" he comforted her and took a deep breath. ,,Will you give me my mask back?" That broke Y/n's heart. He just asked her about that like he was her property. She didn't answer and gently put a mask on his face herself gently. ,, Thank you..." Erik whispered. ,,We will get married soon, my dear" he said after a while. ,,Or I am going to die... Save me, my love. If I am to be saved only your love can redeem me" he begged and knelt down. Y/n was so touched by it and pressed him in her arms. ,,Yes...I love you, Erik. We will get married as soon as possible" when she said that Erik thought about the beautiful church he wanted to marry her in. Madeleine....the nearest church to the opera house. He felt so safe in Y/n's arms. He felt her heartbeat. ,,We will begin to prepare right tomorrow" she told him. ,,We will get married quietly. Without guests. Only us....and the priest" she whispered comforting. ,,Yes..." Erik nodded softly. He was ready to do everything his wife to be wanted from him.
    He began to compose a wedding march for them right in the evening. He ate some food, took a bath and drank a bit when Y/n asked him to. She knew that Erik wouldn't even sleep for these days and nights when composing. He was a musical genius but also a dangerous perfectionist. He wouldn't ever forgive himself to fall asleep while doing something so important like composing a wedding march for their wedding. ,,Wait...." he whispered before he would start composing. ,,Who will play the organ?" Y/n thought a little. It was quite hard. She didn't know any musician. ,,I guess that I will have to do that will walk in the church....a beautiful bride....and I will come after you'd be already standing in front of the priest..." he decided. The wedding was planned.

My dear readers, prepare for the wedding chapter. The wedding day will be colorful.



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