Chapter 10: Pity Or Love

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Erik was shaking. She really hugged him herself... ,,Are you not afraid of me?" he asked. Y/n looked at him again. His face was really like the worst nightmare. She tried not to faint looking at him and held him tightly again not to see him and also not to upset him. ,,No... No, I am not, my maestro... I am not" she said. Erik put on his mask again and caressed her hair carefully. He looked like he was daydreaming. ,,You remind me of her... " he whispered. His voice was so hypnotizing. Y/n knew that he was taking about Christine. She reminded him of Christine... She wanted to tell him that he reminded her of someone either but she couldn't. She never met someone like Erik was. He was different from all the other people she ever knew. There was something angelic about him... But also very frightening. She was still a little bit afraid of him. But he was also so gentle... She remembered her first love. But he was nothing like Erik. He was completely different. ,,Will we sing?" Y/n asked to make him stop being in trance. ,,Oh, of course" Erik sat by the piano that stood near. She tried to sing her best. Not for her dream being a star this time. This time she sang only for Erik. Was it really still only a pity? Or she was really in love with him? With the angel of darkness... With the phantom of the opera... With the demonic genius... Yes. It was true. She loved him. She loved this Erik... And she was sure because the chemistry she felt from his behavior was unbelievable. When she sang the whole song she got a courage. ,,Will you... Will you let me sing something from your last masterpiece? I mean... Would you let me sing an aria of Aminta from your Don Juan Triumphant?" Erik looked shocked. ,,Y/n.... How did you get such an idea?" he asked her. ,,Forgive me, Erik... Forgive me. I just so much want to try it. I was told that it's so beautiful and passionate piece" Y/n tried to explain but Erik shook his head. ,,No... No, that's impossible. Not yet" he tried to create a reason not to let her sing as Aminta and make him fall in love. He already felt that he was emotionally in danger. ,,At least not yet. Not now when you are so young" Y/n crossed her arms. ,,I am nineteen. I am not a child and I also was in love once... I know that's unbelievable but I did! I wanted to marry him but he worried that I wanted to marry him because I was pregnant from him. I wasn't but I don't deny that it would be possible" she told him but thought if she wasn't rude. Erik looked shocked and surprised at the same time... Of course. The girl he thought was a tender fairy yelled... ,,I am sorry" he apologized to her. ,,I am so sorry... "

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