Chapter 24: What about the honeymoon

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At the morning Y/n woke up quite late. But she calmed down when she saw that Erik was also still asleep. He looked so harmless while sleeping. He was covered with the blanket as he was naked under it and had to be cold. Y/n smiled and thought about their wedding night. She hoped that Erik wouldn't be afraid to do that more because of the pain he experienced because of the fact their wedding night was also the first time he had to endure a pressure on that place on his body. He clearly never did that before even himself. She saw how he was slowly waking up. When he saw the loving face of his wife he smiled widely. ,,Good morning" he whispered. ,,Good morning , my husband" Y/n answered lovingly. Erik smiled even more. ,,I dreamed about our wedding...I will remember that forever...You in the beautiful wedding dress...our first marriage kiss...the ceremony...our first dance...and our wedding night" he said so satisfied. Y/n had never seen Erik so happy ever before.
She caressed the deformed side of his face and watched how he's trembling. ,,You're very sensitive..." she told him and then whispered in his ear. ,,I like it..." Erik kissed her lips and stood up. He wanted to run a bath for her. Y/n guessed so. She followed him to the bathroom where he prepared the candles and a warm bath. She was so excited about it so she stepped in right after it was done. ,,Come to me, darling" she beckoned Erik. He seemed he wanted to do that before but was shy without being asked to. So, he took his bathrobe off and sat in the bath to her. She took his hand and warmed it up gently. ,,You're cold" she whispered to him. ,,I know" he smiled blushing. ,,I love you...That will warm me up" he kissed her forehead. They washed each other tenderly. Y/n never was happier. Her former lover was an ordinary man. least at the beginning. Then he became a cheater. But Erik was special... Innocent and passionate at the same time. A musician...she just married a man of her dreams. They both dressed up and had a breakfast. ,,I thought about our honeymoon" Erik mentioned. ,,What?" that surprised Y/n. ,,I don't think I can go out.... people would see me...and see that I am different. So, I decided to take you.... somewhere else" he said. Y/n was curious and amazed. ,,Where?" she asked. Erik smiled mysteriously. ,,I will take you to the sea...."

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