Chapter 20: Wrong way to teach

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It was even harder than Erik imagined. Learning to love himself? How? He found himself so disgusting. Maybe even worse than he actually was. Y/n refused to help him with it more than he needed. She knew he had to find the way himself. If he didn't he wouldn't love himself actually. For Erik it was a living nightmare. She forbidden him to wear a mask and he had to look at himself in the mirror without trying to break the glass. It was actually breaking her heart to see him so helpless but she knew it's only for his own good. She couldn't marry a man who would live only from loving her but hated himself. She also made him sleeping more than he was used. His lifestyle was unhealthy. He used not to sleep almost at all and not to eat for days or even weeks. So she watched over him at least to sleep more. She couldn't make him eat. She wouldn't be strong enough to force-feed him and he wouldn't do that himself. Stubborn Erik...
Y/n still worked as a costume maker at the opera for two days in a week to let Erik alone with himself. It would also help him. But she was afraid. What if he won't learn to love himself how he is? What if she will hurt him even more by the wish? Will he think she won't marry him otherwise? It stressed her a lot.
,,Don't worry, my dearest friend. He loves you and he'd rather die than to disappoint you" Meg comforted her when she told her about her fears. ,,That's why I worry" Y/n admitted. ,,That he would rather die..." she sighed. ,,Meg...what do you think? Is it even successful or I torment him even more?" Meg nodded in melancholy. ,,My mother said that she found him beaten up in a cage when she visited a circus. He was a child... A child who ran away from his home from his abusive mother. Everyone abused him for his looking. I don't think it works....if he learns to love himself....not this way. Maybe another way. As a husband. Maybe...if you two have.... children one day" she thought loud. Y/n looked at her surprised and hugged her. ,,You're right! I will marry him as early as possible. We won't have children just yet but one day we surely will!" the euphoria overwhelmed her. Meg was right. Force Erik to spent time with himself and look to the mirror isn't the right way to teach him to love himself. The only right way is to make him someone good. A husband and one day a father....

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