Chapter 4: Brokenhearted

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Y/n felt like a heroine. She really found him. But she was also afraid. She never talked to a criminal. ,,Honestly I-I-I wanted just to... " she wasn't able to finish the sentence. ,,To find me to realize if I was real?" the phantom guessed. Y/n was feeling embarrassed because it was true. ,,You can tell anyone what have you seen... " he said. ,,I won't make it to the next month.... Since Christine left me four months ago I suffer and I'm almost not eating... Sometimes I don't eat anything for some days... I just want to die calmly and here" he admitted. So that all was true. All that Meg and Christine told Y/n was true. Poor man. Y/n pitied him so much. But she was still shaking. Why was she even there? Was it all her curiosity? It was too much for her. ,,I-I... I don't feel well... " she whispered before she fainted right back on the boat...
She woke up on the swan bed just like Christine. She was fascinated. The phantom didn't seem like a bad person to her. Maybe the reason why he killed was in something else...She stood up and went to see what he was doing. He was sitting by the lake and singing... The song was so sad that Y/n cried. He turned back. ,,You're awake" ,,Yes..." Y/n said. ,,You were singing in your sleep. Your voice is beautiful. You're very talented" the phantom said. Y/n blushed. ,,Really?",,Yes... You could be a singer instead of that terrible new primadonna who's there now... You have a talent and it would be a sin not to show it" he said. ,,What's your name, angel?" he asked. Y/n blushed. He just called her an angel... Just like he called Christine. ,,Y/n" Y/n said but was very curious. Christine never told her if the phantom had a name. ,,And you?.. " Y/n asked him and he got shocked a bit. ,,That doesn't matter. No one uses my name anyways" he said. ,,So you have one" Y/n guessed. ,,You're very curious, right?" the phantom whispered. ,,Unfortunately..." Y/n admitted. ,,Erik... Erik Destler" the phantom finally told her. Erik... So he was called Erik. So he was a real human. Real breaching human... Y/n saw how pale he was. He forced himself to starve... He was brokenhearted and wanted to starve himself to death... Y/n was sorry for him. She thought that maybe she could do something to save him...

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