Chapter 16: Don't go back up

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   Y/n felt so safe in Erik's lair. He was playing the piano and organ all the time or quietly composed. She didn't want to leave back up there. She was down there for two days watching Erik working. She wished that he could love her just like he loved  Christine. She still felt the sad memories on her first lover who abandoned her so painfully. Suddenly she realised that Erik experienced almost the same. Christine left like that too. The only difference was that Y/n had a passionate relationship including intimacy. Erik was only kissed by his Christine once. Y/n pitied him but she was finally completely sure that she loves him. And she didn't want to let him being so lonely again. They didn't talk since Y/n kissed Erik's cheek. She wanted to let him recuperate from the mental shock of the cheek kiss. He didn't seem to be used on anything alike. At the day when she kissed his cheek he seemed to be alright but in the evening he broke down. He didn't want to eat or to sleep these two days after. He just drank some water and went to a bathroom in the evenings. Also prepared meals for Y/n but he wasn't able to speak to her again. He was clearly falling in love and was afraid. Because when he fell in love for the first time the woman broke his heart. And he still talked about her like some goddess. But since Y/n began to sing for him he didn't speak about Christine anymore. Not ever again.
    It was afternoon. Fourth day Y/n spend in Erik's lair. She got used on Erik's shocked silence and patiently waited for him to recuperate. ,,Poor unhappy Erik..." she whispered just for herself. Erik was sitting at his organ and played tones for himself to calm down. He looked like he tried to persuade himself to tell her something. Y/m just had her lunch. She sat at the table and ate. Suddenly she heard quiet steps. Erik....he placed his cold but soft hand on her shoulder. ,,Don't go back up.... don't go back up there....I love you, Y/n... I love you and I want you to stay here....with me. From my first love I learned that I can't force you into it's your choice if you want to stay...but I just want you to know that my heart beats for you...." he said. He really said that! Y/n was so happy. She stood up impulsively and kissed his lips ardently. She so much wanted to do that...

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