Chapter 8: Learning To Live

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Y/n looked at Erik. He felt very sick of eating after a long time. ,,Can I sing for you?" she asked. ,,If you can do that for me..." Erik whispered. Y/n took a deep breath and began to sing. Erik closed his eyes and slowly lied down on the sofa. He listened to her voice. It was something new. Something beautiful... What a kind girl she was. And so pretty.. He tried not to think about it. He didn't want to suffer again. But while listening to her voice he didn't wish to die anymore. He loved her... He loved this Y/n... After a while he fell asleep. Y/n looked at him. Was it still only pity what she felt? She felt like she needs to be near him. She was curious what's under his mask... But didn't dare to touch it and spoil his sweet sleep. So she just quietly sat down and listened to his breathing. It was so quiet. If his chest didn't move while it she'd think that he's dead. He seemed to be sensitive to her. How could he kill people? She could look at him for hours. And that's what she did.
     Erik woke up after an hour. Y/n still looked at him.  ,,Are you still here?" he asked surprised. ,,If I bother you I can leave" Y/n said. ,,No, no. I am actually glad to see a living person again" he said with a denied smile. Y/n was sad to hear how lonely he was. ,,Maybe you'd like to share a dinner with me?" she asked him shyly. ,,I'd love to, Y/n but I don't have anything to eat here" Erik admitted embarrassed. Y/n giggled. ,,But I do" and showed him everything she carried there while he was sleeping.  ,,I don't absolutely deserve this" Erik said in shock. ,,I don't want to see you starving again, my maestro. I want you to continue teaching me how to sing" Y/n told him. 
   They shared a warm dinner together. Erik felt like he would be born again. To the new and better life.
Y/n smiled at him. ,,Will you teach me now?" she asked modestly. ,,Of course" Erik agreed. He sat by the organ and handed her his new piece. ,,Try to sing this, Y/n. You'll be the first person who will sing this" he told her.

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