Chapter 7: Saving

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   At the evening Y/n clothed up into her most beautiful dress. It was light blue with satin sleeves and skirt with laces. She even didn't know why but she wanted Erik to like her... Maybe it was something more than just a pity? She brushed her y/h/c hair and went  through the mirror slowly to the tunel. The singing lessons were only the other thing for her. She wanted to save that poor unloved soul mainly... The boat was already waiting for her.  Surprised Y/n got on. She was holding a paper with a bread and a salad. She wanted to give him some food. The lair seemed to be quiet. No sound of the music. Y/n got off boat and looked around. No one was sitting by the organ. ,,Erik?" She called softly and suddenly heard a sigh. ,,Y/n, is that you?... You really came.."  Y/n finally saw Erik. Exhausted and weak sitting by the mirror table. ,,You promised me that you would eat something" she  was almost angry with him. ,,I didn't promise anything like that! I promised to teach you singing" Erik said. Y/n took a deep breath and sang a bit from the pieces she sang at the choir. Her voice was young, pure and Erik was blessed by listening to that. But he hushed her. ,,Stop!" ,,Was it wrong?" Y/n asked worried. ,,No...Absolutely not. It was amazing" Erik said quietly. ,,To be honest... I just don't want to make another hopes... For a normal life. I belong in here... Isolated" he said.  Y/n sat down on the sofa slowly. ,,Can you do something for me and sit next to me, please?" she asked shyly. Erik didn't seem liking it but he came and sat down next to her. She handed him the bread with a salad. ,,Here you are, eat... How long you were starving here?"  ,,Five days... " Erik admitted. ,,You're too good, Y/n... You don't know who are you helping... I don't want to... I want to die. I want to bury my miserable life.... "  Y/n cried a little. Her tears were falling down on her cheeks.  ,,Please... Give your life a last chance...And eat this" Erik looked at her like he'd like to kill her for such a behavior. But then he took the bread gently from her hands. He ate it but then felt very sick... It was obvious. His body was almost ready to die. Y/n watched him curiously. Whan an interesting man...

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