Chapter 6: The Past

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   Y/n came back to the opera after the midnight. She took a bath and lied down to her bed. But she couldn't fell asleep. She was too fascinated by the phantom. Could it be a love from the first sight? No... It was only pity, she thought. She fell asleep...
   Next morning Y/n continued working on the costume for the primadonna.  She thought about Erik. Did he have his breakfast?... She hoped that she gave him a new reason to live. A new student for singing lessons. Meg came to her slowly. ,,Y/n! You look so happy today! You're smiling like a sun!" she giggled.  Y/n smiled at her. ,,I had a beautiful dream" she said. ,,What about?" Meg asked curiously. ,,My first love came back to me..." Y/n said. ,,Did you have a boyfriend?" Meg sat down.  Y/n sighed. She decided to tell her about her past. ,,I was living in my parent's house until my mother died. Then I began to live alone. I've meet a man later.... It was only two years ago... I was 17... He promised to marry me... I was so happy. We were together almost every day... But one day I wasn't behaving too good. I was a bit nervous... And he worried that I could be pregnant... And it would be his baby. I didn't have anyone else. I wasn't... But he didn't want to wait until I am 18 and he could marry me... And he left me alone... I worried that no one will marry me anymore. But I don't care anymore. I am happy here with my work and friends" she said. Meg caressed her shoulder. ,,You were too naive. Don't worry, no one can hurt you again. You have us" she smiled at her.  Y/n smiled back. ,,I know. You're so kind, Meg. But... I won't be able to come to your performance this evening" she said.  Meg began to be curious. ,,Why?" ,,I began to take singing lessons" Y/n said the truth. ,,Really?" Meg was amazed. ,,That's amazing, Y/n! You'll become a star too"  Y/n laughed. ,,Oh, Meg, I don't think so. But thank you" But inside she really hoped to become a singer. She loved the opera and desired to sing like an angel...

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